One of my very favorite independent films of the century is Susan Sarandon in the enemy of Baghdad.In which she played a leading lady and a protagonist in the film. As we see this great movie comes to partition in the independent films.World of entertainment.Now, Susan Sarandon is one of the very best actresses in Hollywood and she is definitely an A-Lister as end should star next to the great Ben Affleck.If she can never get a reasonable role as a leading lady in that in his independent films, but you know what stiff neck Ben Affleck will never put her in. Maybe Matt Damon put her in. Maybe Arnold Schwarzenegger may put her in.And maybe Steven Seagal may put him put her in one of his karate movies, but.I don’t think Ben Affleck will ever put her in a movie and I think she would even be better to star next to Kevin Costner as she is more her age and he is an A-list actor and a very big name in Hollywood. After he did Waterworld of course he went down.But he should be coming back up now as he is been on that Yellowstone TV series. Or I think it’s an HBO series, which it was very good. I think that that actually just that Yellowstone HBO series just got canceled.But I kept in Cosner should be making more studio films, but the independent films world will.Warrant another look at Kevin Costner and Susan Sarandon should maybe, ah, more in line with the independent films business than in the Stand. The studio business as she is an Allister and but not that Big Vinny Lester she’s.She can. She can pull down the phone sales market for the producers in the independent films business.Star Trek the next generation is a huge fan favorite bringing in star trek from nations worldwide.  The distribution of this film is massive and it is a blockbuster success, especially in Asia where the ticket sales are through the roof.  What the world of independent films does not see, is the built-in fan favorites that star trek actually has.  William Shatner who played Captain Kirk is a big part of that success who just flew into space to teach the new movie critiques into giving him great reviews.  Espresso Independent Films will be part of that review as the best of their bloggers will be talking endlessly about William Shatner and his voyage into space as part of the TV show.  But Half Dead Fred may make an appearance as a horror show actor at the American Film Market and we will get a taste of the benefits of movie-making in Michigan.  Ben Affleck will also star in the movie two dogs and a cat as seen through the eyes of billy LAx who is the managing director of Movies by Espresso.  In the early seventies, we watched William Shatner light up our black and white TV sets with Star Trek and get into fights with Mr. Soolo who now is a homosexual and hates Captain James T Kirk. But we have the two our feature, Star Trek, the next generation which Mr. Spock gets killed then comes back to life to the delight of the star trek zombie fans.  Indie movies depend on great movie websites such as our site at Movies by Espresso.    Companies such as Warner Brothers are also a major Motion Picture Studio, each year financing its share of major art.  It has a Theater independent films distribution venue allowing for its marketing to be totally in-house.  When a Warner Bros product is created, it is guaranteed to have a release and in the financing business, that is all you can ask for.  The company’s sale of its product is the envy of the business.    Universal Studios is always in the running for the first of the entertainment industry.  But there are other leaders in the independent films arena.  Its presence in Hollywood is massive and it too, as with Disney, has a major theme park in North Hollywood.  Only studio types of productions have their scenes shot in-house at Universal, year after year.    As well as set design goes on at Disney Year after year.  And the creation of art goes on at Universal City on a continuing basis.  DreamWorks also continues in their business many times a year.  Theater releases to test the marketability are widespread throughout the Los Angeles area with free movie passes to those movie fans who participate in each film marketing venture.  You can see the theme park independent films production sets sit up all over Hollywood, Santa Mónica, Beverly Hills, and the rest of Los Angeles County.  I can remember an Arnold Schwarzenegger film shoot, Terminator II which was shot in Long Beach at a waste plant burner.  Inside the plant, you could see the scenes where Arnold Schwarzenegger would have crawled up the machine to get his victim.   When the art-house independent films exhibitors

reach a climax with their one on one show casings and all the producers are in the middle of the concert at the French Riviera independent Films Festival, then we can assure that low-value movies never leave the post-production facility in Santa Monica.  The love of the entertainment media is the driving force for those below-the-line workers on these production sets as with the cast which is where all the money is spent.  There is one documentary that will score well at the American Film Market called Pharma Bro and you should expect to see it win multiple Grammy awards.

But Emma Watson is one of the very biggest names in independent films. Business as she has graced the silver screen many a time in many of our films. And so as Jane Seymour as she is an illness carried her in GoDaddy.Uh, and uh, a major. A cinematic success in independent films. World, so let’s give it to both of these. A list of actors and their method acting ability is far surpassed to anybody else in Hollywood, and they’re acting. Coaches are tremendous. The lighting stat, the lighting experts.And the independent films.Protection sets. Have nothing good, had nothing to compare to say for both Emma Watson and Jane Seymour as these two ladies are have made major hits and successes on the production side and when they get on the. And this in the scenes, the actors love to have them as they know exactly what they’re doing. On the other hand, there are some in independent films. Actors that aren’t very good and these should be dealt with absolutely because they cannot be hard to do anymore flicks by the film directors and the movie producers that create these independent films and the executive producers. Who are actually the movie investors that put together their side of the films?