An independent movie shot. By Billy, L Ax is one of the most extraordinarily difficult productions there is in the world of production. Set created by Billy X for an independent movie is sophisticated, it is charming. It is delightful. The director of cinematography.Is indeed in House, and so are the independent movie actors and actresses that will make up the set in which Billy LAX will shoot his film. Cece bell.Will be the director of photography. And Max T will be the reporter for the movie Spice Brussle will. Generate a movie report. And critiquing the movie. And he will be. A definite critic of what is happening on the ground because Max T.Is in competition with Cece Bell over the very best first-time director and all of Hollywood soul. In the end, we’re going to be looking for Jane Seymour and a list actress to step up to the plate. And star in Billy LAX is.Extraordinary.A complicated movie that he will be making and we look for Jane Seymour to head the acting. The methodology’s that. We know she is so capable of doing as she is an excellent method actor. And so. Up to all of the below, the line talent to all of the below the line talent. We expect the stunt to double. We expect the makeup artists we want to see the gaffers. The people that make.The stages production stages. We went to see all of them succeed and be in an extraordinary light when it comes to the critiques of movies by espresso film bloggers that we have. We have over 100 movies by Expreso film bloggers and. They critique their films. They tell us how they got into acting, how they got into directing, they, teach us how we have one film Blogger that’s a VFX. The expert from China is excellent. We welcome her to critique ours. Cinematography is being brought out by Billy LAX and his staff. Jane Seymour will absolutely be on the front burner of what we have to offer us.Movie.Fans.And.We also look at the independent movie theaters and how much they are actually involved in two. Broadcasting and public relations of the great movies that we have to offer here and.Movies based in Brussels. Film company We also would like to express. Our condolences to Betty White who is a TV actress and just.Died of old age. She was 99.

Star Trek is the best of the series of studio movies that have hit the silver screen.  It all started with William Shatner who just went into space trying to revive his film career.  But in any case, when dealing with an independent movie like star trek, the trees will tell you that it does not matter if it is a TV show or a two-hour feature, the leading male needs to be William Shatner.  The rest can be shot into space or the next frontier which was the name of a star trek movie.  But Reese Witherspoon will make a great star trek superstar with her famous name and her celebrity status.  Next to Ben Affleck in any movie, she will be the very best costar he could get.  But when Alec Baldwin tries to hire another cinemograph, he might have a tough time since he shot the last one.  Not a nice thing to do as her director husband is now after the alist star from the studio distribution companies.  We will love to see Alec Baldwin get Trumped in the streets of Hollywood because Donald Trump which Alec Baldwin roasted for the full four years he was in office is now roasting him.  What a great flick that was. The actors are also free to do as they choose. The Independent movie Companies cannot buy up the rights to these performers. When you watch a film created by a director, not under the control of the Studios, you can find way more interesting film art. Therefore, the corporate filmmakers by and far prefer directing, producing, and writing independent theater plays as to executive-controlled studio films. When you participate with your own uncontrolled imagination, the product seems to be more self-satisfying to most of the participants. When we do a theatrical release of private investor-controlled assets, it is much different and is less complicated and a place businesspeople can thrive, with many sections of it not requiring much art knowledge. Sales can be segmented into many different marketing venues. There is the theatrical release, the movie foreign sales, there is domestic television sales, domestic internet streaming, domestic box office. Guerrilla indie movie filmmaking is another word for a low-budget art-house.  Lots of new, just out-of-drama school kids do these experimental ideas.  They are still wet behind the ears and do not know a profitable idea if they would see one.  So we raise them the right way, by a deep understanding of the cinematic arts and love for the process of shooting the 35 mm camera.  Not to be hawk-like most of the old guys are that have been perverted by raising money for their projects. We do not see value in that sort of terrible character for new movie professionals just starting out in their bid to become the best at what they do.  This COVID virus took a lot of jobs from the working force in the United States but particularly took jobs from the below the line independent movie professionals.  Experts agree the studios did not suffer near as much as the micro budgets did.  First, the studios were covered by billions of dollars in surplus, and second, the legal system worked to protect below-the-line workers in the large corporate entertainment world.  When the beast hit, the little guys took a beating and those folks are almost exclusively in the non-studio environments.  Blu-Ray was a huge invention of the turn of the century, but now do to streaming video, blu-ray is old news.  Digital content has taken the world by storm leaving us wondering what next will be the new invention to take us further into the black hole of entertainment.

But then again, when? Steven said God gets involved with Jane Seymour and one of the best fight movies that Steven Segal is ever created. We are excited to see what comes out I and we will all line up at the big screen in all of the theaters. Across from America. To see the movie. And we expect the box office. Smash as they should be millions of dollars on this independent movie and we will be excited to see what will come of the success to Steven Seagal’s new career, not as a studio actor. But as an independent movie actor.