Content Composition With CCbel

Hola! This is Caleb Campbell, He sells his screenplays to who ever won’t buy them and make him rent working for me. h isgirlfriend Emily is giving me signals. Love her a heapin’ amount. ’bout ready to pop the question!!!


© moviesbyespresso

” He is in the process of being accepted by the writer’s guild and is exploring all avenues of SAG/AFTRA He is submitted to many of Hollywood’s talent agencies and as a twenty-year-old, on par for final acceptance.”


Espresso Films – Second tier (CCbel)

CC bel was born in Los Angeles. His father was a screenwriter, and his mother was an actor. He now attends Cal State Northridge majoring in Film Arts. CC started his career early as a nine-year-old, watch and studying movies with his father. His mother enrolled him in Acting school with various acting coaches in and around Hollywood. CC wrote his first full script at ten years old about a ten-year-old bully who got his butt licked by a smaller and recessive classmate Lenny Smith, forever changing his life. The Bully, named Bruce Butterworth, began helping smaller kids and taking wrestling lessens to improve his technic. At the end of the screenplay, Bruce and Lenny became inseparable. A terrible accident ended their friendship forever changing Bruce’s life.
CC won many film awards for youth and was recognized far and wide in the film industry. Now in its seventh rewrite by CC, he still plans of producing and directing it, when the time comes. He is slowly building up visibility for the project. CC has written five other scripts and he intends to push each one of them towards production.

The road is long to create the necessary buzz within the film industry, but CC’s vast network of film and movie contacts is a huge tool in making it work. In 2021, his first movie short should be finalized, produced, and directed with CC at the helm. CC bel’s speciality is in the Art House world where he is infatuated with directors such as Christopher Nolan. To young CC bel, Nolan’s “Tenet” is a magical piece of art taking his film audiences into the world of metaphysical hallucinations. Love of the Artsy film genre did not start with Nolan, as CC and his father fell in love with Tarantino’s “Reservoir Dogs”, and “Pulp Fiction.” CC has studied the gamut of Tarantino’s work and never ceases to be amazed at everything he does. CC has studied Art House films back to 1911 and the production of Dante’s “L’Inferno” CC cannot resist a night discussing the metaphysical nature of any Art House film, rather it be one of the first, one that happened in the fifties, or the newest film festival slate. It just must be different and an attention-getter.



CC’s first film short, “Innocent Love” comes from a 50-page screenplay CC has written about a personal experience in San Francisco while staying with his grandmother one summer. CC meant a 16-year-old girl, whose fictional name is Lilly, and fell in love, to find out, she was lying about her age, which was 15. CC, being 17, was chased and threatened by the young girl’s father, brother, and cousins. The family grounded Lilly, but Lilly would escape the confinement, just to come to CC and put him and his grandmother in danger. Lilly’s father and his terror campaign against CC spread to his grandmother in their desperate efforts to break the relationship up. The brilliance of the terrorists caused CC and his grandmother to flee, but unknown to them, Lilly chased after. This fictional story of a real-life situation has led to a novel metaphysical genre for CC’s first film. CC bel has various potential plans of putting together his first short. His family believes in him so much that they are risking financing of $20,000 to deliver a short that is expected to do well at the film festivals such as Cannes International Film Festival and Venice Film Festival. Due to CC’s film business connections which are significant for being new to the business, he has many below-the-line film deals as well as first time actors that are working as part of the deal. Hi resolution digital cameras, three of them, have been negotiated as part of the film project Ltd ownership.

CC bel is packaging his film short as part of the same deal as his friend and associate, 20-year old Maxx TEE, who both work for billy LAx and Zalak in Espresso Films. CC has also maxed out his credit cards in an effort to supply finishing funding for is a project, which he intends to pay back quickly with the success of his short. CC bel works for billy LAx and Zalak, at Espresso Films. Espresso Films is a new company designed to help producers distribute their films digitally creating enormous online ‘buzz’ for them. Espresso films bring film and movie editorials to its surfers providing valuable inside news and information for all those film professionals who take time to read the long movie editorials. Espresso Films will also supply writers to industry. The company’s expertise is in screenplay writing or screenplay rewrites, but the company will also supply business, writers, novel ghostwriters, technical writers, internet content writers, company branding expertise and most other writing needs. The company has a vast social network in which it gets its contacts and hires them to work on Espresso Film projects, before recommending them to our valuable customers.
CC bel and Espresso Films is a film specialized Digital Marketing firm. It has vast social networks that are monetized and will soon have a series of independent movie websites that will be monetized. It is the first website, has been approved for Google Adsense.


It is speculated that the site will attract 2 million surfers in 2021. Espresso Film’s movie site is being web mastered and developed by Zalak, Espresso Film’s creative chief. Zalak is not only a UI/UX developer, but her graphic art skills are out of this world. Espresso Film’s avenue of digital marketing success goes through social media and each day, CC bel and Maxx TEE pound the social media pavement building their enormously successful Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snap Chat, and LinkedIn online presence, as well as just beginning Espresso Film’s YouTube channel. The channel will soon move to showcase Film Festival quality shorts as well as Independent movies. CC bel invites you to join his ever-expanding film and movie social media network. His film and movie Facebook page are growing steam and soon will be monetized. Each day, a new video posting appears on his timeline creating an enthusiastic crowd of followers. His movie tweets hit the nail on the head and his Twitter account produces an enormous flow of traffic to Espresso Film’s website. The information you will find in CC bel’s social media contents will most all be about the Film Indies. Almost all film news and movie editorials will come from Espresso Film’s massive network of movie news, creating an indie film media at Espresso Films of “first to hear about it.”