Michael Keaton has put up one heck of an indie movie last year in 2021. The name of it was to live are to die, and it was distributed by the studio arm of Universal Studios, which has great foreign distribution. And they actually provided the Princeton advertising with PNA.distribution investment, but the indie film that he put up went to France and went to Germany and was a big hit over there in Western Europe and lots of moviegoers in Western Europe. Went to independence, went to Michael Keaton’s indie movie that he put out. but in the end, what really counts is Jane Seymour and her indie movie that she put out, which was much bigger than Michael Keaton Affleck. And Jane Seymour made a much larger smash at the box office, with revenues totaling 200 million off from her film.

Sarandon and her indie movie. Too young to die was just a wonderful movie that I saw with my actress girlfriend.CherrybelleAnd I had to go behind CC Bell’s back. This is Billy Axe from espresso films and movies by espresso. And I just wanted to talk about the indie movie that cheery bell and I saw together in the theater holding hands. It’s making Cece bell mad and Mac. Steve is laughing all the way because that mad guy is the first-time director. And he’s putting together his indie fit movie. Ah.The indie movie.22 dogs and a cat in which we.Love to promote it as the largest comedy movie. In 2022 and movies by espresso movie log. Uh, don’t forget to see the OR read the wonderful Hollywood reports out of movies by espresso and you will surely come up with an indie movie that you will like.

Ben Affleck is the star of the show and has made tons of movies on how to love actresses in a movie shoot.  Sons of Buford was a movie made back in the sixties with Charlton Heston, right after he made Moses which was a huge blockbuster.  But the indie movie world rocked when we have created a huge production scene in Hemlock Michigan for two dogs and a car, which is billy LAx’s new financed screenplay.  He was the writer and he will be the director and starring in it will be CC bel’s girlfriend Cherry who will be the female lead.  It is set on the back of Maxx TEE’s pet dog who will be on stage with Maxx TEE this week at the Pasadena Playhouse near Colorado Blvd.  But since Alec Baldwin shot the cinematographer in his new studio movie, things have gone south for the actor.  Donald Trump says he did it on purpose, paybacks for Saturday Night Live skits.  Half Dead Fred is a horror film that will scare you to death and is starring CC bel of Espresso Films.  The show will be a blockbuster and is being produced in a Gothic house in Flint Michigan.   The indie movies that hire directors like Maxx TEE will never have it so good with actors like CC bel.  billy LAx has found both of them and has financed their careers.  But moviegoers everywhere know about them and love them.  But Reese Witherspoon is the actress that can make these film festival assets get awarded by the Cannes International film festival year after year.  The slate of movies coming from the output has billy LAx’s two dogs and a cat film.  But international film marketing efforts on two dogs and a cat have gone to the high-priced Hollywood Studios like MGM.  When Walt Disney made his family movies in the fifties, he did not have this distribution problem.  Lots of what Walt Disney did went on TV.  But in today world of post COVId movie distribution, much of it is done via digital media.  This is our moviesbyespresso silo 5 we are SEO’ing right now.  I was watching the movie called the Gangs of New York with that Daniel whatever his name is.  Wow!  What a great movie.  We had our eyelids glued open with amazement on the characterization of the film.  It really left you with a much  better understanding of the reality of our country in the 1800s.  Lots of other stuff happened in this country that made great theater and Kevin Costner is the main who picked up on that. Field of Dreams is an example of simply incredible.  Baseball has long been a great sport to get characters for story tellers to get lost into. 

There has been a couple of good football films to.  Crazy Legs Hersch was one of those stories that would not die.  Gale Sayers and Brian what’s his name made a great made for TV series that kept the fans home from the silver screen to watch the indie movie network programming.  Also, the movie about Ali with Will Smith playing him was great.  Could you ask for a better sports figure played by a better movie maker?  Then there was the US Hockey team when they won the 74 Olympics making the whole of the United States cry and making the cinema happy at the ticket sales from the movie.  So, we have completed another amazing year in sports with Tampa Bay winning the super bowl.  Who is the lucky leading man that will play Tom Brady.  billy LAx has given a thumbs  up to the new studio release Two dogs and a cat which Bill star Ben Affleck.  Jay lo’s ex-husband who they are back together again after Jay lo blue off the Yankee outfielder.  The characterization in the different acting methodologies is an amazing change of course from one style of actor to another.  We do not appreciate enough how much goes into each scene until you see the hours of effort and work that goes into creating each character at the different workshops all the way through West Hollywood where there is one wants to be after another crying real tears on cue in effort to get that leading lady part in the indie movie her boyfriend is producing but wants to give it to another actress with more talent.  I would not take that if I were her father and her boyfriend was chasing other movie director’s sisters who thought they had the talent to be Hollywood stars but in effect, have no talent at all.