When Susan Sarandon made her independent movie two dogs and three cats, we came to the conclusion that Susan Sarandon was a phenomenal actress B-list actress, and she should have been the star. In that film, but Cherrybelle.Side stepped her and got in the middle of it and kissed on Mac’s tea and she wound up the star of the movie with Susan Sarandon playing second fiddle to chill rebel. How fair is that she’d Cherrybelle a small actress with no name? No marquee name? At all could get not raised one penny on the foreign sales. Movie market from Asia or from Germany or any other side steps. Susan Sorelle for the top indie independent movie actress in Hollywood for that day. No, she shouldn’t and neither should have the Hollywood elites picked Cherry Bell. As the leading lady, because she’s young and hot, well, she’s got a great good pinup. That’s true. But Max T shouldn’t be looking at that. ’cause that Cece Bell’s actress girlfriend but, anyway, having said that we need to go on to the lading gappers. For this movie that makes tears making and. Ah, and we need to have them talk and find out who the best lighting guy in all Highwood is and who the best stuntmen are. Because there are some great stunts that have to be played because we don’t want. The major actor who is Michael Keaton to get hurt so so, nor do we want him to spend his. Ah.Important and expensive time. Doing stunts as a stuntman can do the on the production set. But having said that, we need to have more in tune with the screenplay because the director needs to be talking to the screenplay writer and if anything gets the scriptwriter or some storyboard tellers out there to help him out. On the.As on the movie set and the production set of this independent movie.

When Alec Baldwin just committed murder on his last production shoot, the director was not too happy because they are saying he replaced the prop gun with the real thing.  Now I am telling you, had that had been an independent movie, you would have never heard of the shooting.  Now we have Donald Trump telling the world at his rallies that Alec Baldwin is a loud-mouthed mega alist actor that does not deserve to be listened to when he is on Saturday night live.  The other SNL actors like Chevy Chase and Eddie Murphy will be much funnier now that he is in jail for shooting that cinematographer.  So we will start watching William Shatner in Star Trek, the next voyage which will be a blockbuster in the foreign sales of Europe.  Oh, don’t forget the new Transformers movie at the big studio MGM.  William Shatner would not be happy with this competition.  Distribution is one of the best businesses you can get into within the Hollywood entertainment industry.  If the international film commissions in each country get together at the film festivals, they will cut some great film distribution deals from American Executive producers.  But if Reese Witherspoon wins an Oscar this year for starring in Two dogs and a cat, directed by billy LAx, the Espresso films bloggers will go crazy with their blogs on moviesbyespresso  Matt Damon will be the next a list to get his Hollywood star put on Sunset Blvd.  He will be put right by Jackie Gleason.    These cinemas are small and fun to put together. CC bel, Espresso Films’ youngest and most energetic of all the employees for the company and digital marketer is putting together his micro-budget dream A lost trail. CC bel continuously blogs about his pride and joy and is trying to find his funding for that independent movie he is trying to package.  Good luck with the studio packaging and financing system you are setting up CC bel.  You will never get Brad Pit’s signature.  Maybe billy LAx will have some mercy on you and get Steven Segal’s signature.  I hear he knows somebody who knows Segal’s acting manager.

The independent movie Fred Astaire made in 1954 was one of the biggest movies of that year was actually the year I was born. That’s Billy LAX, screenplay writer from Pasadena, CA, in which I grew up in Pasadena.California the son about movie makers. Who made market ouds of flicks including the independent movie? Dumb. Ladies rising. But just to make sure everyone knows my actress girlfriend back then got me into screenplay writing by convincing me to write a narrative or as a treatment for a movie for her group of poor, impoverished kids. So that they could see if they could get it made in Hollywood and they did. It was just a wonderful below-the-line deal. Can’t come up with from the. Now Warner Brothers Studios and Universal Studios as well as Paramount Pictures. But the independent movie that I most liked was a dumb man walking. He also writes editorials on our editorial site about his movie production. Don’t miss Maxx TEE, another first-time want to be the experimental guy. Maxx TEE is also a digital marketer.  billy LAx is the managing director for moviesbyespresso.  billy is a heralded script doctor and has been in the entertainment industry for 40 years. When Marsha, the artistic development chairman for our company that promotes our members put her experience into analysis, we get expert advice.  When the four of them get together, they go partying at all the Hollywood independent movie hangouts. These are the very guys that put together the best flicks of Love stories are often told by storytellers whose fantasy it is to have the world come together as one, such as the Michael Jackson “We all come together” crowd in the 90s. We treasure a good sloppy romantic comedy but do not often do this because the foreign film sales is not all that good for these stories. That is because foreign customers do not understand American humor as well as Americans so most of the sales for romantic comedies are within US venues. But action movies are a different story.  Leave it to Beaver was an awesome TV show in the 60s and the grown-up actors are still out there talking.  Jerry Mathews who starred as Beaver is not the cute little Kid anymore Wally is not the nice big brother and Eddie Haskel is a nice guy.  They really should make a flick as it could be a studio movie.  We treasure Leave it to Beaver who we watched on those black and white TVs before we had color.  Now we have HDTV and that will soon be upgraded to the latest video that is always increasing in value as we have noted on the Espresso Films independent movie report.  So when we do our research on the top 25 film inventions, the HDTV is rated right up there and is combined with streaming media which took the place of the DVD. Poor Red Box as we don’t need them anymore to watch flicks in the comfort of our own homes.  We can watch old television shows as well as new cinema day in and day out.