The independent movies that have been expressed in lately in Detroit, MI are just phenomenal. There I’m romantic comedies or action flavors there. Teasers to what’s going to be happening next year in the world film markets as we go into the post-COVID movie entertainment industry, we’re looking for independent movies that are real that are hitting the American public. In the area that they’re interested in going to see, and then the absolute.Intrapreneurship the of the independent movies.That Hollywood is creating right now. Well, should and would be able to sacrifice their dominion for the. Bottom line box office output. Because most of the movies are going to be watched this year in television on the HTTPD, so high def cameras are really important.

Ted Cassady was the main character actor of the Addams Family TV show in the sixties.  He was a great voice-over actor having many different spins to his art.  However, he did not act in the independent movies that were shown that day and did not act in the Addams family movie either.  Ben Affleck was a romantic comedy genius starring next to Cherry bel in two dogs and a cat, directed by billy LAx.  Maxx TEE the digital marketer that works for billy LAx will post multiple blogging on CC bel’s new screenplay to kill a rabbit.  Leroy Jethro Gibbs will go down in CBS history as the best of TV talent in the post-2000s up to 2022.  His sidekicks, Tony and Tim will now take over the lead man role on the CBS hit show.  But Half Dead Fred a Toledo-based Horrorshow will now be shot in 35mm film and post-production will be done in Atlanta by an unknown post-production company.  Ben Affleck will now be starring in the new Hollywood version of Two Dogs and a Cat shot by Maxx TEE of Espresso Films and the reports will be done by CC bel. The independent movies have done nothing but improve with the new state of affairs in Hollywood due to the COVID virus change in technology.  Now social media becomes an important element in producing movies and even more so in distributing movies.  Film festivals like Sundance are going online where the voting takes place by film critiques all over the globe, instead of in Utah.  Nothing like taking your actress girlfriend to a TV show to watch a flick that was made somewhere in Hollywood by the exciting new female lead. I use to live in the city of glitz.  In the Pacific ocean, near the Southern California coast, lies a metropolis of pollution called Los Angeles.  It is home to the richest people in the world of entertainment including Matt Daman.   What a wonderful, exciting life the entertainment crowd produces.  

Sure, it is dysfunctional, but it is exciting to get your stuff directed by a major high roller in the independent movies business.  We would like to have a person working in the Santa Monica coffee house show up at our next casting for the Girls of Southern California video.  If Vincent Tarantino was to come into an moviesbyespresso cafĂ© and order a Latte, what would the Los Angeles crowd think? They would be on the way out the door to go to Universal Studios to make an art-house with a-list movie stars like Tom Hanks.  

But it is much more fun to make a show with a smaller b list unheard of by the crowd. These performers on the b scale are much more excited to be a female lead in a drama than the A-list characters.  We do not know where to go for Saturday night but to see a silver screen with a great playlist.  It is in our blood to see the likes of every Orange County celebrity that we can meet.  Say John Wayne for example.  See him live on the stage if you go with robust zeal.  When we move in and about Colorado Blvd near Burger Continental we find lots of leading ladies eating and charming their way into the investor’s pocketbook to get into his next cinematic creation.  We look hard and long for these great acting talents and they are hard to find in this city that lies a bit out of the mainstream of the creation of most of the Horror flicks in the world of independent movies.  In the love of the creators of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Disney animation great, we are lost in time for us older people We grew up with this fairy tale and now our kids appreciate it, only because it is a huge piece of visual and audio art, not for the simplistic story it was when we were kids. Of course, that was the time when Andy Griffin use to keep families glued to their black and white TV sets.  Now Richie Cunningham from Happy Days is the biggest director in Hollywood.  Those stars are dying each day.  The Rifleman is dead and so is his kid.  But the IMAX is a new invention, being twenty years old, and it is a nice way to see the three-D instead of the classic 3D glasses that came out in the 60s.  Special Effects has changed dramatically in the last thirty years from a place that the film directors once hated because they thought they were getting away from the basics of character-driven filmmaking, to the dramatic independent movies Hollywood loves.  The new Transformers animation flicks are now in production and the Transformer superheroes will be gracing the silver screen before long.

So film industry jargon has increased in the maze.  We have an internet website with the latest cool filmmaker talk so do not get overwhelmed.  In the latest Abby Singer Shot production manager, it is slang but I don’t know exactly what it means.  The iconic love story that is made into a feature had its beginnings in the late 60s with the hippie movement.  Novels are the source of a lot of fascinating screenplays however, seldom is the storyline the same as the novel presentation.  Video Games have been the source of good features too, providing an excellent source of storytelling from the right director who is also a gamer.  But the location sets for both micro-budget and studio flicks are the same no matter where you go.  Clint Eastwood independent movies in the 70s and 80s were some of my favorite flicks I have ever seen.  Dirty Harry was a great film and was appreciated worldwide.  It had film fans all over the world repeating his lines.  Was that one bullet or two?   You make the call punk.  Great line by Clint Eastwood and his studio film.  But we wonder who it was, what storyteller, that came up with that character?  The screenplay was written to professional standards no one could understand in the depths of Hollywood.  Even though Clint Eastwood does not live in Southern California where the movie industry is, but in Northern California along the beach.  These days Clint Eastwood is doing independent movies and enjoying them because they give him more freedom to express his artistic nature. He can do whatever he likes I guess and that is one big benefit to being in control of the executive producer.  He is not only the leading man of the film but he is also the director.  He manages the cinematographer and the gaffer and the rest of the below-the-line and the cast.