So when we were walking up Main Street here in Detroit and I see The MGM, it just reminded me so much of all of the indie movie meetings that I had in Las Vegas at The MGM casino. They were the movie investors all. Want to go to The MGM and talk their trash in there and how they’re going to finance this movie or finance and moving just a bunch of crap ’cause they don’t finance anything. They’re just nothing but a bunch of real estate guys that wanna be movie investors and get to play with Hollywood actresses. That’s all they are. So when we have millions of dollars actually it will be better in movie investment is PNA or prints and advertising and distribution that right there could lead to good returns for all of the investors and in and we should really look into how we invest. Our money should be. In the theaters in the by and getting the screens on the theaters for every movie that is invested into. But when you’re talking about Susan Sarandon, you’re talking about one of the hottest actors actresses in the business and in show business itself. And so when these types of movies come out. The moving investors love Susan Sarandon movies and you need to really pay attention to an indie movie that soon. Susan Sarandon does.

Well, I’m sitting here in Monroe, MI right now doing this as CEO stuff and I didn’t really bored of it. And right now I’m on the indie movie PG. Try to create a bunch of keywords for an indie movie. Anybody got any ideas? I went through Susan Sarandon. I went through the predator. I went through 100 others. Indie movie. Concepts and I are getting really bored with writing all of this crap about the indie movie.Anyway.Let’s see what I can come up with next. Maybe I could come up with something like Emma Watson to do one of the hottest layouts that there isn’t a list actress in Hollywood. And maybe I could call her up and ask her for a date.

And Christmas Eve, there was a great indie movie made and it was named my boyfriends. Grab doesn’t need her. Another guy for Christmas and I am not happy about this. It was it could have been a studio movie by Walt Disney or possibly Warner Brothers, but it won’t be an indie movie, and Billy Aliaxis highly involved in the screenplay for this movie as it is. Being written on the fly and in treatment has been created by Billy X to do the movie by the cinematography should be done by one of Billy Aliaxis proteges mix tea, or possibly Cece Bell, they bolt.EspressoHigh high definition film camera that will make it work.

What indeed movie was shot? Flip the success that. The Predator was shot where? Have there been any competitors with Predator? I don’t know how many of the greatest movies ever made was the predator it was shot in 1963 and it was a very scary horror. Will be and this indie movie went to the top of the billboards. It went to the top of the mind. It was one of the very high. Hi Sarah.Acclaimed movies of the Year of 1963. So what we need to do is look at this movie and how? 

In sixty-three, when John F Kennedy was shot, guess who was one of the first reporters on the scene.  A young Ted Cassady, who played Lurch on the Addams family.  Do you remember, the big huge butler?  Well, he is part of the reason the Indie movie Addams family was so huge when it was produced in the early two-thousands.  Ted Cassady rose to fame through his massive size, standing tall amongst his actor friends.  He had many voices over and was a talented actor.  He would have played a good part in the new movie being shot in Flint Michigan, Half Dead Fred which will be distributed in twenty twenty-two.  But let’s not forget LeRoy Jethro Gibbs who stars in NCIS New Orleans.  And the new Transformer movie soon will hit the studio theaters along with another Star Trek movie which will be in competition with the Transformer movie.  Shrek movie was much better than that and will make a bigger box office revenue haul.  The first Shrek was one of my favorite movies of all.  I just saw a YouTube video of Sylvester Stallone making his last Rocky movie.  Advise Sly, make old guy movies.  The new film cameras really are not film cameras.  They are high-tech digital cameras that film cinematographers are using.  He really looked old and the dyed black hair was just too obvious.  What a feeling these young filmmakers get when and if they sell their indie movie shorts. To get recognized at the festivals in and of itself is a treasure to these industry professionals. So, when we start to make an asset, from outside of the realms of the studio, we will start with financing. This is the hardest part of making a creation. Anybody with money can make any type of cinema they want outside of the big boys like Warner Bros. There is a starved movie industry in Hollywood, all looking for money to keep in business. The problem with financers is that most of them are bigger dreamers than walking the walk.  They want packages, which include an attached marquee actor or more than one, and attached director, a screenplay that has been optioned, possibly a film producer attached, and more possibly the need for a distribution agreement. If a money man has all these things, then most likely he has it already financed and does not need his specialty which is putting investment into it.

When we are done showcasing our stuff at the indie movie festivals, then it is time for partying.  It is especially fun in Santa Monica since that is our stomping ground.  We do all kinds of things afterword including crashing inside the industry parties with all the key entertainment executives getting high and drunk, we have bowling which I have actually seen small b movie stars there, we go to restaurants which you can see anybody from the no name character actor to the small director.  But in the end, the loosely knit stunt men will prevail.  Alec Baldwin will soon stop making any kind of films and move to the jail house for shooting his cinematographer with a stunt gun some bozo from his production set put in his hand.  Unbelievable, those actors don’t check the guns before they use them.  But what can you expect from a bunch of cheap below the line labor you get for the low budget indie movie professionals.