When I asked Steven Segal. What his favorite indie movie actress was? He looked at Vladimir Putin and he said it’s gotta be Emma Watson. One of the very best. A list of actors there is. Except for Emma Watson’s actually a studio, A-list actress, and not an indie movie. In less to address, but. She’s still very good. Vladimir Putin at Grievous, Steven Segal in that. The new Russian production facility in Moscow should start creating an indie movie. Sleeps up flex so that the Russians can enjoy the entertainment.  The top one hundred flicks have just been written about by the Hollywood Reporter.   They start in the fall with CBS and end with FOX.

The Indian movie.22 kids to tango.Was.Produce in. Special films. Production facilities it was directed by Max.T.As well as the digital marketer.FromHeck.Cece Bell, who was the cinematographer extraordinaire.WeIt will distribute the movie 22 kids to tango in the next. American film Market, AFM, or whatever you wanna call it that goes on in July in?Beverly Hills.  In the reality of show biz, you cannot stop loving the best of the west with John Wayne and when you see it in the cinema, you cannot get enough.

But an Indie movie would Cinderella light? I think Cinderella-like an animated movie from the pixel. And she would most likely love The Lion King, which came out as an Indie movie many years ago. But having said, dad. Let’s look at Steven Spielberg and the Indian movie that he would prefer and I think it would be down the line.PodWhat Disney movie? Maybe a toss-up for Steven Spielberg, but you know he’s got to go with his company DreamWorks ’cause he owns a company that it didn’t own the company. He’d probably be picking a Hindi movie from maybe Warner Brothers. However, Steven Segal will love it. Fight in the movie. We all know that and he’s a fighter. He’s living over in Russia is still fighting for the United States.i know.  Heck is what you get if you miss the next indie movie that is created and produced by billy LAx. 

By the beginning of the next year, Half Dead Fred, the indie movie currently being shot in Flint Michigan will have much more to do with the foreign film crowds than in real-life horror movies.  Feature Films being shot by great directors will be seen in the Cannes International Film festival as well as the American Film Market.  Set to kick off is Ted Cassady and the Addams family in Beaverton Michigan late-night theater on Saginaw Road.  In Monroe Michigan, the beginning of Madonna has made the town famous with the famous songs she has had in the music world for decades.  Michael Moore has also brought his films to the state as that is where the director is from.  Mark Harmon’s father, Tom Harmon played here and so Mark Harmon is from Michigan too as he brings his character, LeRoy Jethro Gibbs to life on the hit show NCIS or use to since Mark Harmon has quit the show and is now just an executive producer.  I bet he will have reoccurring roles on the show and make lots of money for those acting gigs. To get this packaged attached, with the marquee actor, the movie director, and possibly the domestic and international indie movie distribution, the agent should have 10% of the funding in place. If the business the executive puts this money up, it is at risk. If one of the parts of the package has an issue and sues the producer, he could be likely to lose the 10% of the money he has risked because the asset must be done in a window agreed to in the contract.   The money thing is usually not what most drama kids like.  It involves to much logic and too much sense and that is not something our artistic people are in access to.  Not that they are not smart, they are, but smart in other aspects of life like how to animate cartoons or do website design or production set designing.   We love our movie makers who graduated from high-ranked colleges like California Arts Center.   A production is put forward by one company where a contract of ownership is in place. The owners then must agree to another contract with a  distributor.  If you go to France or Germany, you can get lost in the indie movie national films they have on every corner of their country.  They are really different pictures and most not in English.  So, we can now get a Theater release for the asset in the can. If it is an art-house, there is a circuit of art-house theaters all over the US that the owner can sign contracts with. Most of the time, what you are looking for with the small cinema releases, is “buzz” for the movie promotion need.  When Robin Williams started, he was a television star on Mork and Mindy, but then because of his excellent talent agency representing his abnormal skill level, they elevated him into making studio films and an a list actor.  Nice for a guy who does nothing to deserve it.  Just sit back and do what I say, says William Morris, one of the biggest talent agencies in Hollywood.  Do not ask any questions to the actor, we make all the choices says the executive movie producer.  But on the location set, it is not the executive producer, but the movie director that determines where everyone goes and what they do.  Except they do not tell them what to say, as that is the screenwriter’s job.  The storyteller is the guy who is in charge of the location sets.  billy LAx and his great company, Espresso Films take issue with Robin Williams and his lack of control over anything he does including reading the scripts he is given.  The bum can’t even go to the bathroom at Warner Bros, quips bill LAx when discussing the Hollywood Star.  He needs to come with us and make an indie movie so he can be a real Agency Talent.  That would be true because CC bel, our first-time movie director is hard at work putting together his comedy  Two dogs and a Cat.  This two-hour feature will showcase at the 2022 Film Festivals in France and Germany.  We will also push the slate at The American Film Market in November trying to get some international film sales.  Don’t wait for red October, go see an indie movie right now and you will be cast with the best.