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Nicolas Rontanini – AN EXCITING NEW WRITER

Published: Apr 23, 2022

I started as a writer mainly due to my interest in telling a story. I was motivated to write when my teachers in high my penmanship talent. Also, my family was highly motivational to me as they convinced me that writing would be my life’s work with many compliments on my language and writing skills. As such, I decided to explore this wonderful and colorful career and see for myself if I had real talent. When I entered college, I discovered the opportunity to write for my college newspaper, The Delphian, where I currently work and mainly write editorials about specific topics, namely the coronavirus. As I continue to write for the paper, I discover how much I enjoy writing editorial pieces. The more I write, the more I find my passion for this type of writing. I particularly enjoy sharing my opinion on important topics and sharing information so people can make informed decisions.

However, my future goal is to move into writing articles that are choices editors will be used in commercial media publishing. It was not easy, however. I struggled to find my voice as a writer. I was not sure what I could write, and I started to doubt whether I was smart enough to write it. As I wrote, however, my doubts began to subside. Though it wasn’t always easy to write, it becomes easier with access to new experiences. This is part of the reason why I am passionate about writing it gives me a place to discuss the thoughts and opinions that I can’t express otherwise. Writing became my passion because of the storytelling opportunities. It also allows me to follow my passions, like filmmaking. Throughout high school, I always appreciated what stories could be told using film. As I began studying the technical aspects of filmmaking, I appreciated the ability to tell a visual narrative alongside a written one. Once I was able to build a short film myself and was able to experience what it is like crafting the narrative I want to tell and how to show it, I found my passion to pursue this for my future.

Aside from the storytelling capabilities, I am passionate about the type of stories you can tell. Filmmaking can give the truth about something or explore the feeling the director might be feeling. To explore this further, I started a blog to analyze my thoughts regarding the industry. This has helped me to identify filmmaking techniques that I have possibly yet to consider for projects of my own, as well as different storytelling elements. By writing my thoughts, I was able to identify and connect with the aspects of the film industry that I came to love so much. It also inspired me to use the ideas I have been exposed to and try to use them in a project of my own. This is also good practice to continue writing screenplays and formulating ideas. From The Delphian, my blog, and my future project, I have skills in content writing and creative writing. This gives me the ability to tell if a story flows well or needs to be revised. I can also provide feedback on visual storytelling, and if the given image could work.

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