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ROMAIN DAGNAN – Music Journey

Published: Jul 13, 2021

Romain Dagnan was born in 1991 in Paris. He has always loved music since he was a kid. His first experience was to try to make songs on an old Macintosh with guitar and voice while he was in high school and mostly trying to impress his girlfriend with his covers.

Then someday, his father bought a piano to get back to it after 20 years without playing. This is where Romain began to learn the piano while trying to reproduce the Yamaha’s demos all evening long for a few months until he could play the Turkish March. This music passion never left him, however, he began Engineer studies for 5 years, as he did not even imagine composing music could be a real day job. After he finally got his diploma, he decided to get a chance, and did not start to work as an engineer but began to launch his career into the music industry. After a concert of Ennio Morricone in Paris, he really felt the intensity of orchestral music and was at this very moment convinced of his passion for harmony and classical music composition. The first experiences he had were Escape Games soundtracks, for which he composed one-hour music themes. He has worked with 25 of them in France and abroad. After this, the idea was to compose for short films or other small projects to get to the level he wanted and to be able to respond to more ambitious orders. It would be a lie not to tell that the idea of giving up has more than one time been an option in his mind.

After one year, he met his first synchronization editor who accepted to publish his music for documentaries and TV shows in his international library. That was the first opportunity to earn constant income from his music. During this period, he also had a documentary contract and a few other specific projects.

Two years after he began, and maybe four times quitting before getting back to it, he had got a call from a New Zealand Director, Craig Newland, who proposed him pass a score composition test for a few scenes of his next feature movie. After a few days composing the music, Romain sent him the cues. The Director liked his music and decided to officially hire him for the entire movie original score. This was the first step into the film industry and the opportunity to record his music in a studio with top strings musicians.

Today, Romain works with several Directors and producers for different media projects, he also has four editors and more than 80 tracks on specialized libraries. What he enjoys the most is to continue learning every day and to feel he can give people a nice emotional experience through his music approach.

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