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SHIKHA JOHNSON – A Letter To Editor

Published: Jul 13, 2021

Pursuing a career in acting is a journey that only the mentally and emotionally strong can achieve. Every career in the entertainment industry requires a long and difficult journey. To be an actor is to take on a character with the power of empathy. It’s simply being that person.

My journey started at the age of eight. Fourth grade. I remember it like it was yesterday. As a child, I believed that I could do anything and I still do to this day. I received first place for acting out a poem by myself called “Chicken n’ dumplings.” This competition included the entire school district of Dallas, TX. It was on that day that I realized my dream.

During high school, I participated in a musical called the Wizard Of Oz. Playing the part of an Ozian, Poppy, and a Flying monkey was an extraordinary experience. I remember that another actor had an issue with his flying monkey costume. I simply fixed it with a safety pin at the time.

This year, I ended up on a game show as a contestant. Although I cannot reveal too many details on this matter, the experience I gained on the set was very valuable. From stage directions to having to improvise responses- it was a surreal experience. I am very grateful for that experience and would not change that for the world.

I may be new to this industry and I am ready for any challenges on this journey. The exciting part of my path is just beginning. I found my tribe within an improv class that I am currently taking online. I’m adding more classes next week. Finding a group of actors to continue to learn with is so incredibly important. Collaboration is essential in this industry. Contrary to what most people think, the acting career is not self-centered. It is a career that requires collaboration and respect for the entire crew and other actors. The producer, director, writer, actors, and makeup artists, and the entire crew are what make a good movie or tv show a great masterpiece. This is something that I learned through theatrical plays, musicals, and game show.

Learning is an ongoing experience for me and I will never stop learning how to empathize with characters. I played the role of Betty in the “Crucible” play. I really had to take on the mindset of believing in witches. Betty accused several people that surrounded her by screaming “Witch!” I had to practice for a whole day to instill that fear of witches in me. Nowadays, I can take on a character’s emotions more quickly. When I am not busy with work, I practice self-care and I think of ways to help my community. I believe that part of showing kindness to people on the set comes from showing kindness even when you are off work. Giving to others is a strong passion of mine. However, before I give, I take care of my eating habits and I work out every morning at 5 am.

Respect and treating others with kindness are so important. A positive attitude and a healthy mindset lead to better collaboration and a better movie or a better show. Every day, I make sure to never leave my home with a negative attitude. I always check myself at the door. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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