Don’t let the indie film world bias you against Jane Seymore starring with Steven Segal as she wants very badly to be in one of the fight scenes with his stunt double. Peace out to Vincent Tarantino, the A list director, indie film director, and movie maker in Hollywood. We appreciate Pulp Fiction. We appreciate reservoir dogs, I mean mostly appreciate his wondrous dialogue first of a kind dialogue and. And the way he interacts with the actors. I’m his set. He takes small actors and makes them into a list of actors he does the very best. Our production sites sets, indie film production sets, and locations there are in Hollywood. Now if we want to do a location scout in Nigeria movies by Espresso have some of the very best Nigerian location Scouts. Well, please hire one of our location scouts from West Africa. The indie film World suffers now from the loss of Betty White, who is a treasure who is 99 years old and a treasure to the.TV sitcom industry.We welcome. Jane Seymour to the funeral. Of Betty White does Jane Seymour is an alias actress and she has a. Body like you wouldn’t believe for a 70-year-old. The Three Stooges when the very biggest indie film movie ever produced and should be going down in the theaters as a box office smash. Making megatons at the theaters in. Revenue and making and a ship do really well in the European film markets. The distribution arm for the Three Stooges comes from the indie film.Company.Newberry, as they have purchased the licensing result rights to the movie and the Three Stooges. Independent movies shall be the very best of what we have in our 2022 markets. The indie film. What’s a big budget? Film movie in which we had Megastars lining up to get the role in the film. Two dogs in the camp was a very small, micro-budgeted movie, produced and directed. By Cece Bell and we expect Cherrybelle to lead the way in that movie, and we expected to make box office smashes in Europe in the Art House movie. Theaters. What in the world is Ted Cassidy, star horror indie movie actor of the sixties, doing in a studio film?  Well, it was the Addams family 2.  It was a great cinematic film, and we need to binge-watch it right with Home Alone 2.  But maybe we should go way back to Kirk Douglas A-list actor and studio film star.  Then along come Michael Douglas who is a really good megastar himself.  The cable networks would be shocked if Michael Douglas did a sitcom for them, and they would have great ratings.  Wouldn’t that make a television producer happy? And he was married to one of the most gorgeous leading ladies in Hollywood.  When I was young, I use to watch Hollywood indie films at the outdoors movie theaters where you use to take your girlfriend and kiss her in the car, paying no attention to the movie on the screen.  Then Mark Harmon came along with NCIS and we all stopped with the drive-in theaters and went to TV shows.  Then good old Jethro Gibbs up and quit and now its back to watching the drive-in theaters. But hang on, LeRoy Jethro Gibbs is bound to reappear on the TV show. CBS would not think of taking him off.  Good old CBS will probably make a two-hour feature on it.  At the level of the studio, we will do a deep dive into the processes of developing an indie film project with money that is from outside investors in an attempt to make lots of return on investment.  Screenplay writers are a huge want in the Espresso films business network. billy LAx is starting his own writing agency and we cover storytellers if nothing else in the movie-making profession. A good script doctor can make a flick or break a flick. Our documentation specialists take great care when commissioned for lots of money to create a long but standard psycho-thriller. Maxx TEE our digital marketer for the indie film website who is also a junior editor has a recommendation for tonight’s entertainment for you as a movie special that he says is really a killer flick.  It is called Danny and he says that you will be riveted to your tube if you are watching it on a DVD.  You can also go to the rock on a mountain cinema in Altadena California where it will play at an outdoor stage, which they use for guests coming into the town that like to showcase their indie film talents.   But the movie House of Screams will be on the TV soon as it will run its theater circuits where it gets all its marketing and promotion.  This cinematic creation is about two campers who go out of their way to kill a casting director and she is sent to Melrose Blvd in Hollywood for a quick heart transplant from a monkey with aides and COVID so that she does not have to be a scarlet in CC bel action delight called the lost cause starring Tom Cruise.   All of us fans love these kinds of indie film psycho thrillers involving dead and gone corpses who come alive just to get into Santa Monica. I have read a lot of American Literature with Edgar Allen Poe and James Madison who was a president that lived in the 1800s and had a wife by the name of Roseanne Bar who also was married to Dan Goodman who starred in many Benny Hill productions. We always covet those Humphrey Bogard movies that he made a long time ago with Ty Cobb who was a baseball player that starred in Kevin Costner’s Field of Dreams Indie film.  In the back alley of Hollywood, near Melrose, is a small bar with lots of Hollywood filmmakers who never made it drowning in their tears. You will find Maxx TEE here taking interviews for his new drama-documentary, to be a loser in Hollywood.  billy LAx does not like Maxx TEE for doing such a thing as he thinks it will give his website moviesbyespresso a bad name but Maxx TEE feels very strongly that this important political point gets out.  It is important that young drama school students from the American film academy know what they are getting into when they pursue a career in this unforgiving business of cinematic art.  Indie film is not a place to make a living, contends Maxx TEE, first-time director.