You know, back in the 80s I used to see a lot of independent films and one of them.Most.The beautiful film I’ve ever seen was a love story, in which a young guy fell in love with an older lady who was not that old. She’s just a beautiful hot late 20s woman and her fiance went to Vietnam and her fiance was killed. Vietnam and came back and the young actor got lucky with the older lady who’s the leading lady of the film.So this independent film was made, never sent, everybody saw it, everybody liked it, and when the most prolific film films of the 1970s, so anytime you want to see in independent film See Loves Story. Now another film that was awfully good was. The Addams Family Two starring take Cassidy. Don’t miss that one.But in the end, where do we go to we have to go to Steven Spielberg and Dream works for the studio films that he is produced. They are awesome and the one independent film that he made which was Forrest Gump, was just. Off the charts were good and made millions of dollars at the box office. The PNA was paid back.And.He made lots of money after that. The independent film.That we most cherish in the world of. The studios will be that up. Billy Axe and Espresso films.The movie blogging site. We should look at this site. And also the movies by espresso site will be combined together to form one of the most highly sought-after reporting.Internet sites in the country.But Jane Seymour. Will star in the independent film, two dogs and a cat and she will be the Megastar leading lady.all I ask is fair in love and war. Let’s not forget the 1970s indie.And.Independent movie love story. As one of the very best.Movies of all time. Roseanne Barr and Jane Seymour Seymour are going to star together in what will be one of them. The independent. film Business is very. Huge cinematic success and the art that will come out of this. Independent film will be magnificent. Now, Can you imagine Roseanne Barr? And Jane Seymour and a love scene. Yeah, and. And the silver screen in this in the box office we should get a massive return. For the movie, for investment dollars on the movie so the movie investors will love this and the star of the show will be Jane Seymour as she is a hot babe with a hot body on the cover of a magazine and heard the leading lady. Marquee value will be spawned in the International Film markets, especially in the New York Film Festival, so.Also.In the at Sundance in Utah. One independent film that Jane Seymour did that I just love is Hercules. The two-hour motion picture starring Jane Seymour as the A-list actor in the leading lady we really appreciate Jane Seymour and all of her.Building layouts at 70 years old. She is just as hard of a chicken she could ever imagine, and her illustrious film career has spawned in the independent film, two dogs and a cat.House of Screams is a brand spanking new independent film in the new year.  It will showcase the best film marketing and production company in Hollywood and will be the very best film at the New York film festival.  But Don Johnson, a list actor of the nineties and star on Miami Vice will not think about dating them because after he got chosen on the dating game, he got a big head. The actresses are very goolie and Ted Cassidy who was the huge guy and megastar of the Addams family will date them.  The film markets will never be the same after the biggest executive movie producers in Europe will try to upstage each other for the major talent agencies like ICM and William Morris.  France, the French Alps plays an important role in creating the best artsy independent film in Southern Europe and Asia. Of course, these Southern European Asians are in special theater releases only available in South Europe and Brazil. Cinematographers and makeup artists and below-the-line workers all get together and eat dinner after a hard day’s work of pain and turmoil of putting together their baby, their work. Hollywood Stars will understand the stress that goes into reading a script and delivering their dialog with convincing methodology. To personify a character is an artistic ability not many cool chicks have. But almost always Claude Van Dam can internalize characters if he is paid enough. These guys are strong and powerful and deliver their lines with emotion, some crying, some laughing, some sarcastic, some innocent, all are faking it. That is what they do to earn his or her money. These girls may come from the Midwest, they may come from New York, they may come from Michigan, but they do not leave Hollywood once they get here. They are true fans of the theater and have lots of love interests. Once the people in Mexico watch our suggestions, they will want to go to Mexico City and love one another because Mexicans love Romantic Comedies. The movie fans from Tijuana will be first in line to watch funny comedy movies made by Woody Allen. These Mexicans will laugh until they cry when they see his work.    The drug kingpins from south of the border all want independent film screenwriters to create their lives on the silver screen. They will not get enough of the arrogance that their money can buy so the storytellers they hire will write their killing drug stories and then make a video out of them. Mexican actors will grace the Tijuana cinemas. We have a south-of-the-border performer here that is part of our reporting company,  Jack Yatim who was our first blogger. We wish all our Mexican partners creating their production sets good luck in the next year and we hope very much that they network with our entertainment connections.  When we love to blog about our movie careers, we love the website that we are creating a fine job of SEO on driving the internet’s film-related web traffic to it.  CC bel our digital marketer owns a huge LinkedIn network with lots of entertainment professionals that belong to it.  However, he goes after actresses because he likes to talk to them and he is trying his best to get a casting call going for them.  It is not going to get him anywhere with his girlfriend Cherry, because she wants the Leading lady role that CC bel has in his independent film, two Horses and Roy Rogers.  This film is a spoof on Roy Rogers and Dale Evens and makes Trigger angry because it is not real.  It makes Trigger look like a cat and he hates that.  He thinks this should be a documentary.