Which indie movie will Movies by Espresso Report on next?  I don’t know, but Maxx TEE our film blogger, and CC bel our first-time movie director will know.   They will make an effort to give us the very best programming they can and they will tell it how it is in the movie business.   E! website reports on film as well as Espresso Films and billy LAx and his team of bloggers.  We all treasure the entertainment reporters who get out their in Hollywood and make an effort to get the entertainment news to us as we sit back in our homes and enjoy all this hard work that the talented cinematographers put into getting us the great video.  Is the trial of the century, the OJ Simpson trial, going to affect his indie movie career that he worked so hard to make.  OJ Simpson, the movie actor, was talented and sold a lot of box office seats especially when he made his comedy western movies.  In the end, he murdered his wife and went to prison and that ruined his Hollywood show biz career as he now lives in Florida and goes to Walt Disney World theme park.  But there are lots of deviants in Hollywood, look at Harvey Weinstein.  In the end, you just got to watch the movies you want to watch and live in a place like Fort Worth where you can go to the theater on Hulan and see all the actors you want to see.  The production companies will not be in your way and you can sit back, eat popcorn from the box office concessions and give the theater owner some profit. When I was in Hollywood, and chasing indie movie money, I had more fun than you could ever imagine with all the actors and actresses as they made plans to get into the business.  The entertainment business is ruthless to them and they would strive very hard, sending out headshots on a daily effort to casting calls they would find in the Hollywood Reporter and online and through ten-cent managers who swarm the area trying to find talent to represent.  The indie movie that made the biggest impact this year was Thank you it is Friday with Bill Murray who is still making movies after all these years.  He has been a star since the seventies when he came onto the scene in Saturday Night Live with Dan Acroid and Eddie Murphy.  Ted Cassady and the rest of the cast of the Addams family 2 were extraordinary.  I just love clean movies like that and we need to have more of them.  It is the sitcom of the century that we appreciate more than anything else and that was Happy Days with the Fonz and Richie and his friends, namely Potsy and Ralph.  The indie movie that we most like to watch is with Reese Witherspoon when she is in that action show that raises the hair on our neck and causes us to cuddle with our girlfriends, leaning on their shoulder in hopes that Reese Witherspoon figures out to make the scene work. In the end, we will go to the cinema and we will applaud that famous movie star and we will go into our fantasy world as all movie fans do.  But we shall love the Hollywood movie stars that are patriotic like Billy Baldwin and take on his no good for nothing brother Steven Baldwin who shot that production assistant.  In the romance indie movie reviews, we have the highest revenue-producing film that has ever been created to take the box office lead in making that successful producer.  But then we need to look at the Arnold Swartznagger action movies to compete and there is absolutely no second.  The indie movie most talked about was in life, which was in the lead or came in second in the box office after its premiere. The movie is directed by Angelique Clinkard and Aubrey Anderson-Green. In Hollywood Studios, we treasure that indie movie maker that go to the horror film genre or female lead in the Princess of the water ghetto is a big woman. She dominates the indie movie theater screens and wastes no time in getting shown. September is her month of delinquency and depending on what is going on, she will make appearances all over Southern California before she heads home to New York where she will give a speech at her old college NYC drama school.   It is a month of no clause movie contracts ignoring the right and just as our pretenses.  We will walk in the huge park in the Apple and watch Steven Segal shoot his next action thriller on Tuesday which will last all day.   It is a repertoire of commercial magnitudes that the new set of film concepts surrounding film directors in serious double jeopardy in advancing the new space for storytellers about submarine wars. Tentatively, Universal Studio and John Travolta have agreed with Tom Cruise that the next girlfriend he gets needs to be older than eighteen and two days.  Hope the end of the year here in 2021 brings in a better group of Santa Monica film festival indie movie slate of projects than it did last year due to the COVID virus shutting down nearly all the productions in Los Angeles.  We will be on the watch for that one amazing story that wins the first award and goes on to make all that money at the theater.  The lucky stiff investor on that will be funding entertainment assets for a good long time.  If we watch our favorite flick on Saturday night and get our date home late, her father may think we ran away to Hollywood to make it big in the movies.  But he will be wrong as we will be drinking milkshakes at Bob’s ice cream stand dreaming about having kids and watching little joe on Bonanza.  Strive to make things better in your acting class.  The girl right next to you wants to be the leading lady in your film that you are the movie director of.  It will be good for both of you to get to know the casting director and to be on his good side as he could choose other actors instead of you.  Don’t be afraid to stand up before that indie movie director and make your case on why you should get the part in the play at the high school.  He will probably give it to you as it will not affect the movie box office receipts.