I told them that I was a filmmaker, and I was a cinematographer, and I was a casting director, and I was a camera operator and I wanted to blog on movies today and tomorrow and the next day. That is all I want to do is write editorials on production companies and on distribution companies?  But the independent films industry is unforgiving.  It yields to no one as far as the cutthroat businessmen that frequent the corporations.  They are smart but not as brilliant as they think, often losing their film investor’s money for them.  I knew one guy who lost a 10 million dollar budget, spending it mostly on girls, instead of a cast and a male lead.  In the previous life of Southern California entertainment media, we used to report in print in venues like the Hollywood Reporter, but today, it is done on websites like Indiewire.

Or how about spending buckets loads of time researching and reporting on film schools, film festivals, and film markets like the AFM.  What I have a passion for and will pursue to the end of the earth is writing about movie fans and their unending love for the celebrities that make up American entertainment and keep all these huge corporations in indie movie business.   At Espresso Films, we have mastered the studio motion pictures and the micro-budget shorts which make up the industry of art-house and experimental films.   if you are in Germany, we suggest the national films which were created back in the 30s which are black and white character-driven cinema.  Our anti-climax storytellers from where ever they come from frequent the website in efforts to sell their dreams and put pen to paper to work for a director somewhere in the dark pits of Hollywood.Gregory Peck used to play some great movies or independent films back in the 50s. He’s named after me, actually. Ah.The.Films Gregory Peck used to play in were beautifully made they were made in a style of elegance and glamour that related to most movie stars back in that time. Other stars back in that time.Or bogard?And Elvis Presley.And.Some are really great. Ah.Characters like Charlie Chan.They made a lot of silent movies or independent films and you could just see him on the man’s Chinese theater down on Sunset Blvd in Hollywood.But today we have great stars like Reese Witherspoon, and.Meg Ryan, who are starlets in their own right and only do studio films back in the day, I used to finance films or I used to be what you call a studio film broker which got the packages and got them to movie fine answers and you want to talk about a fraudulent.At a time in history, that’s where a lot of the partnership laws come from is from movie financing. Because of all of the fraud movie investors. So now they have to qualify the investors for having so much money and knowing what they’re doing.A film independent films..  We love to go to the theater. We’d love to take our girlfriends to the movies and love to get popcorn Cokes. Sit back and watch a beautiful show with your favorite movie star or movie starlet and ink and see that romantic comedy that keeps your girlfriend coming back and loving you.And that’s what going to a movie is Saturday night at the flicks we watch great actors like Matt Damon in all of his.Wonderfully made films now and then we see stars like Leo in the Titanic and studios like Warner Brothers are putting on great posts on their animated films.So there it just seems like it’s really. It’s really as it could be. You see movies like The Lion King and you wonder where all the animators get their ideas from. A movie like that Lion King.We should see Shaq, who had some great animators and pixel is involved in that.Movie right there. Pixel Studios has great animators themselves and we say in Hollywood down on Sunset Blvd, all of the grey comedy shows that the actors they moved from the comedy show like the Ice House in Pasadena too.Major mega movies, sometimes via Saturday Night Live or one of this other television network shows that we love so much but anymore who want to be on Saturday Night Live with Stephen Baldwin there making a fool of himself, but that’s beside the point.In the area of independent films, we like to see the makers and of the film and the producers and directors and.All that make up the film, the posts.Uhm?Production experts as well as below-the-line staff and the distribution film, distribution, and marketing. I mean, you’re talking about independent films that need to be distributed with professional knowledge. In marketing knowledge, it’s very complicated. The contracts and the independent film’s marketing and distribution are huge.Don’t go to the AFM or American film market. You will cut some of these contracts with the.Come.Foreign film distributors and looking in these distributors will represent every country in the world, even the communist countries are represented in the American Film market with their representing, buying, and selling the independent films.But in any case, the studios are not at the independent film market markets like the American Film Market. Or are they in the independent films festivals like the Sundance Sundance Film Festival? Sony, and if you want Leo.Two-star in your film you’re going to have to come up with a lot of money because CAA which is his agency, his talent agency. They’re going to ask you for a lot of money. Those agents. They’re tough to play with their ruthless to play fast, and they go to the independent films entertainment lawyers and they’ve got the whole game.The whole thing into one big package, and they usually only deal with the studios were in their distribution arms because the studios can guarantee the theatrical releases which the independence can’t guarantee. We’re talking about its selection of a great.Community of people.independence can only guarantee that they put up money for the PNA prints and advertising.But they can’t guarantee that the theaters will take it.so when we talk about

If you are in the navy and you are part of the video and film corps, you are responsible for the entertainment and video instruction and appreciation of thousands of sailors aboard the ship and submarine. Part of this job is to procure DVDs for use on ships. These features are not profited on by the but are looked like a donation and a big thank you for assuring the safety and security of the country.  Within the lonely independent films directors that frequent the bars in Santa Monica looking for that angel investor to loose his money for him, is Maxx TEE.  His cinematic creations are in the underground of life and we would push for their success, except that no one would watch them.  He could not get a celebrate with marquee value to star because of the lack of executive producers who will sign on to the project.  The traditional hero he has playing as the leading lady has a poor performance and the whole production set looks like teenagers put it together.  You have to have a good below the line and he has none.  If you go to Espresso Films report office in West Los Angeles you will find CC bel hard at work, finding our movie bloggers off his massive LinkedIn network.  He gets lots of writers as well as actresses because those are the two types of connections he likes best.  But then there is Maxx TEE who goes after movie directors like himself and he gets thousands of them.  billy LAx then screens them all and make sure their movie blogs are in commercial level.  The Movies by Espresso crowd certainly makes sure the independent films they represent are real and commercial.