Speaking of Mike Tyson, starring in the independent movie A night in Los Vegas,  how about Ali dying this year. Ali was the greatest ever and he was an entertainment dream. Billy Crystal gave the sermon at the funeral, and he was the very best Ali personate there ever was. I nearly died when I heard his first Ali characterization. Ali thought it was so good, he called Billy Crystal his little brother until he died. Did anyone see the Ali documentary or was it an independent movie starring Will Smith? What a great movie! The box office receipts went wild. Speaking of Will Smith, what about him and Tommy Lee in Men in Black?  But when the R&B rapper international creative artists like Ice Tea hit the TV shows like Hill Street Blues, we automatically make money for the networks like CBS.One of the independent movie Producers in the last generation of independent.Movie production.Was.Steven Spielberg. He came from a low budget. Films in which he had a significant amount. Of.Success at and. Built himself into an empire, a movie empire. Called DreamWorks it DreamWorks we have. We have one of the newest major studios. Distribution arms that’s been created in the last 30 years. many studios such as Warner Brothers and Universal and MGM have been here for years and years, however. They could not stop Steven Spielberg from creating DreamWorks and putting his major. Films out. In into the public because of the success that he is had in previous films like Jurassic Park, now Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks have both been very active with Steven Spielberg in his in Dover. At Dream Works and they have also done a lot of work with Warner Brothers and Universal and Disney creating major. Studio films.But the independent movie. The business has coveted these two actors more than any other. Resources that the talent agencies have supplied. Black CAA and ICM and William Morris. We here at. Espresso films have many independent movie buffs. People in our social media. From William Morris and ICM and CAA, they follow us very very closely and we are proud at Espresso Films to know that this independent movie.People.Have a lot of business done with the independent movie. Entertainment world. So. Matt Damon needs to take heed and understand that he can be in the independent film. Business as well as Reese Witherspoon and Ben Affleck and many others who have tried and failed at the studio films but should fit be very successful at creating low budget gorilla type films that.That innovative producer and independent movie director. Create with very low budget and rich straight out of the drama schools like UCLA and Drama school schools like USC and drama schools like New York University which we here at Espresso Films. Again have many contacts written. Are social media with these professionals? So Tom Herman, who is just quit NCIS. Looks like he may rejoin NCIS. From what The Hollywood Reporter is saying on the beat the film bloggers. Here at Espresso, Films are also saying that Tom Harmon or that Mark Harmon. Is. Going to come back to NCIS, but I particularly. Believe that he is going to make and a living in the independent movie business here in Hollywood and all over the world because. Come, Herman. Is really big in the United States, but when it comes to Art house films and foreign sales distribution, his name is not marquee, so he cannot garner the. Film budgets yet, but if he would.Entertain.In a movie an independent movie? In the in the. Ah.Foreign sales distribution business. He would be a hit at the Cannes Film International Film Festival at the Sundance Film. Film FestivalAt the Arlington, MA Film Festival.And over much of the world. Now, Reese Witherspoon could start with him and that would increase his marquee level immensely because she has marquee value and she can sell that film by herself and he could ride in on her marquee. Value and the actor will actually be. Second fiddle to the independent movie actress. In this case, however, most of the time the leading men. Pull down the film and the leading ladies are right in their value. How fair is that? I don’t know. Ask the Hollywood elite health fair, that is, they are the ones that make up the independent movie. Business rules that myself.Here at. Espresso films only report. The entertainment world. We do not make entertainment news much less independent movie news. However, we do have Max TR digital marketer and first-time director extraordinaire, as well as Cece Bell. Our second first-time director that’s putting together two dogs and a cat, which should star Tom Hanks and.Roseanne Roseanne Bell Roseanne Barr.Which will.Benefit Cherrybelle his girlfriend and leading lady so when we. Get to blogging. And creating the movie, which means that we first have to finance it through Billy Axe says finance arm. We should be able to. Pay Tom Hanks whatever he needs to be paid and whatever his age it needs to be paid.

What a gut-busting wrenching comedy that was. The animation was superb as the actors’ characterizations and assassinations were great with the funny-looking space creatures in blue and green.  But in a small side street, in Pasadena, back in 1991 billy LAx migrated to Southern California in pursuit of his screenwriting career.   billy worked hard creating his first book but also did a lot of partying mainly trying to meet independent movie connections in the State of sunshine.  It was a wild ride for billy LAx as he went broke chasing movies then made a lot of money in digital marketing.  He started a Russian Brides site but could not make it work due to it being too big for one guy to handle.  But billy did meet a lot of Russian Actors when he was in Moscow and got to see the Russian movie scene which was underground and corrupt to no one surprise.

To his fortune, he sold his first script to an independent movie investor who I think felt sorry for billy more than he wanted the manuscript.  But that kicked billy off and he signed with William Morris and then sold three more pieces before deciding it was to far to the top of the heap and digital marketing and PHP programming would pay more benefits, at least in the short time.  So billy LAx became one of the best coders in the software business.  Now circling back with moviesbyespresso website.  We are circling the wagon says Maxx TEE when asked our Espresso independent movie effort was coming in the trenches among the blogger’s revolt that not enough entertainment traffic was headed to the independent movie site.  SEO takes a while Maxx TEE says and they have to keep their shorts on until the time passes. After all, we have just been into SEO for one month on their Movies by Espresso website.  But the directors are out in force creating the very best flicks you can imagine on their 35mm shoots.  Maybe we can up the technology to the new digital cameras, says CC bel.  It would be nice since nobody shoots in film anymore.  Poor billy LAx is so old he remembers back in the 80s and 90s when they use to shoot grainy b movies in 16mm.  Don’t forget the Hollywood elite down on sunset blvd trying desperately to put together an indepent movie.