Independent movie is 1. Term that we use here at espresso Films to SCO our website. It is a great term ’cause it yields. Massive amount of film. Traffic SEO traffic movie as the old traffic and it also gets us a lot of Google AdSense.Payment due to the film.Fan traffic as he oh traffic. So when we use independent movie we use them with care and concern and love for our espresso films block blog site where we blog about the movie industry and the entertainment industry. And the independent movie industry. So when we want to.Radar.Peace like this. And put this in our website as under a page in which we are using a silo going to the keyword independent movie we.Indeed.Use the loving concern for our film fans such that we can get it ranked higher in Google and Bing and these others. Website browsers so that when our film. Fan traffic Blogger Surfer decides they want to. Call up our keyword independent film movie. They will come to our website so it takes about 1000 words per page of the film.Talk and verbiage to create.ASC owed page for the movie theaters. So when you want to put into an independent movie on your website then you create a page like this you create a silo with a link pointing up. Towards the tip-top, which is a keyword independent movie. So say for example, if Reese Witherspoon, who’s a-list actor and does studio films, if she decided she wanted to come to espresso films. And or not so much espresso films. But if she wanted to Google Independent movie to find out. Who was creating independent movies or who was creating? Who was the best independent movie? Out there, then. Then she would put that in the browser. And that would come up. And on her site on her in her browser, as one of the top sites that we have, we also do independent movie websites. OK, and one of the things that we are going with is WordPress.Design program quad. Elementor which allows you to put up a movie site right now is an independent movie site. Which is called movies by espresso or espresso films is a hot ***** on the 2021 default theme for WordPress, in which our designer has made a very nice site, but it can be done much better and we can get much better. Film and movie Blogger traffic. So. When those folks are not plugging, they’re not watching movies ’cause because a lot of times our bloggers around watching the theater with their husbands or group or wives or girlfriends or whatever they a lot of them are independent movie actresses in Hollywood and they’re down on Sunset Blvd, partying with other actors and directors.And cinematographers, when they’re not doing all of that. We invite them to join our movies by Espresso film site so that they can indeed come, get, get involved, get their contacts that they need, because when you’re in the movie field, you need a lot of contacts. You need a lot of people.You need finances, directors. You need to get involved movie field. The movie industry in Hollywood’s who’s who knows who business. So you need to know.Ah film directors independent movie directors. You need to get acquainted with a lot of people at a lot of times in a lot of ways to get your name out there to get your headshot out there. To know the independent movie casting directors and to land those big time deals.So without doing that, you wind up getting into trouble because you will only be going out to the casting calls, and they’ll be turning you down. It doesn’t matter how good of an independent movie actor you are, you can study method acting until you’re blue in the face, and nobody is going.To select you and one of the best ways of doing it is to get into a theater, OK, like the Pasadena Playhouse as theater. So if you can get in there and somebody comes around like a producer or director or maybe a casting director or an agent comes in and they’ll sit there and they’ll see you and they like you. They hate Trump, said they want. You want to be in their independent movie course. You know that they’ll probably give you a small piece of that pay you much for your acting, but at least you’ll get your face out there. You’ll get your headshot out there, you get a chance to show them what you have, and get a chance to cry on cue when it comes to the. Casting ’cause yes, an independent movie is the way to go. The imagination of the cinematographer and casting agent went wild as they played hopscotch and did deep water diving to reach the other end of the lake in the gut-wrenching full-length independent movie motion picture. Would you be pink and yellow and red at the same time? Well, that is what you would crave to be if you were Will Smith making all his success.

The wealth of the wonders of the world are in the corporations. Like most fools that crave ice cream, we at Espresso Films movie editorials love our flicks and the film festivals that create the great Michigan players in football like John Smith. I am looking at CVS pharmacy right now in Columbia Missouri and alongside this pharmacy is a car that has been in an accident with a lighting post.   The arthouse in downtown Fort Worth now has a great artistic showing put on by a special guy from Texas Tech drama school and is called Saving Grace. Of course, this little, tiny micro-budget film has lines of groupies outside trying to get a look at the actors who are sitting around the set and signing autographs.  Roseanne Barr was a beauty in her time and was great when she played with Don Johnson in Leaving Los Vegas.  We have been in Nevada when the independent movie Sundance Film Festival project was being created and we could not believe all the acts in the town that uses a lot of the same things building of the set used.  In the event of loosing the production budget, we have a backup due to all the gamblers that are the exact type to invest into film.  In the San Fernando Valley, there are lots of bars that movie investors hang out in to talk about their deals that they will never do because in the end, they are smart.  Never finance a Hollywood prodcution.

These gamblers usually put their money in real estate or some other investment that all the brokers have running around Vegas with their deals.  But some of them have movie deals and Vegas is an excellent place to get your Hollywood deal done.  The show buzz guru of West Hollywood, Steven Segal is now the leading man of his own studio in Russia.  Moscow Steve as we call him will be the leading man in his multiple cinematic productions staring himself as the hero.  Can you imagine that?  Steven Segal as the good guy?  Only in Russia.  I will say this.  The Russian Actresses must be out of this world with  being beautiful starlets.  They also are really good in theater and dance.  I can imagine how good the production and distribution of studio films with Steven Segal starring in them and the independent movie production that occurs with these Russian actresses.