Well, the independent movie business has just lost another great one. Betty White, 99 years old. She was a phenomenal actress, a TV actress, a film actress, and a beautiful woman.Another actor add another singer that we lost this year. Sir Harding Girls Aloud Singer died this year in 2021 and we are all sad to hear both of these deaths.Now Betty White was first to come to my mind in a sitcom she had made called The Golden Girls and back in the 80s. She was old back then, but she has been very, very busy.In her 90s and she has shown everybody that an actress can survive even though.She might be an old leading lady. The independent movie business.It’s really unforgivable, unforgiving. 2 actors and actresses. But in Betty’s White case, the independent movie business did her well so.What? Anti climax movies directed by phenomenal phenomenal directors.Tarantino can really bring in the art-house crowds over in Europe. They are wonderful movies and they have anti-hero sentiments in them. They have nonlinear.Storylines like in Pulp Fiction, where they wind up with two end endings for the same movie with John Travolta playing an awesome a bad guy.In their lovable bad guy come.We have a.Cinematographers that have really climaxed in 2021. They’ve shot some great shots that will go down in film history. The new tech high-tech film cameras.Would shoot video, not 35 millimeters and certainly not 16 millimeters are now becoming cheaper and easier to buy. Some movies are becoming easier to make the asphalt aspect ratio.Of these, film charts are HDTV and can best be seen on an HDTV, but anymore all TV’s are HDTV. The audio bridges are awesome and the post-production we had the VFX in post-production Espresso Films has a.Major VFX person over in China that we all are really happy to have single UM one of the biggest movies this year was no time to die. It was another James Bond movie so.He’s making a comeback. Star Track is also another big 2021 movie that’s coming back with William Shatner.The indie film Movie Guide is awesome. It tells us all about the independent movie business and we should. We should be Googling that all the time as well as the summer movie.Guide which is another guy that tells us all about the independent film business. So we have the red carpet premieres at Pasadena which all the major actors will go to and we will get the Grammy Awards off from that hopefully.Reese Witherspoon will get a Grammy Award as well as Ben Affleck. The feet we get featured, romantic, romantic.Independent movie.Ah, that should be seen is a love story. Back in the 70s.Boyfriends of Christmas past is another movie that we need to see and one other great independent movie is up.One night in Miami.So the best of 2021 can be seen in Espresso Films and Billy Ellie Axe and his gang of digital marketers will be here bringing a mob to you. We will be blogging about all the independent movies.Producers as well as the best of all time.One of the movies at.Is.Old, but we still keep on going back to it is slingback blade, UM, and it had that country and Western star starring in it. He did a really, really nice job at it.From a.Fans should be really happy with 2021’s laid out of Cannes International Film Festival.The distribution.The arm of Warner Brothers should be bringing some great studio films to the theaters. The box office this year.The people we have a surplus of a large independent movie.Distribution outlets that will provide the PNA or prints and advertising, too. Ah.A large independent films or if independent films that have won a lot of awards at the Film Festivals and we should be having a Great American film market in November of this year. So I encourage all of their readers to watch out for.What’s happening in the American Film market? So what movies are going to be sold? What movies are showcased?And Uhm, what? Producers and actors are making a name this year in their special independent movie that they’re going to be putting out?Uhm?We have the, uh.House of Screams, which is a great movie that should be coming out this year. It will be one of the top 2021 movies and the slate and should do very well as a horror movie. We have half-dead Fred that should be doing very well as a horror movie.And a lot of.Actors and actresses that are trying very hard in Hollywood to make it should be blogging on this Russell Films website. Trying to get a name for themselves. Get some exposure for themselves. It’s a great place that they can get.Their BIOS is out and the site is starting to get some really good movie traffic. We’ve got some good social.Lynx coming into it and social trafficking from LinkedIn and Facebook.So if you get an independent movie, you need to log in to espresso films.At Espresso Films, billy LAx will charge grapes for his movie blogs for the Independent movie that he really loves.  He is the general in charge of Maxx TEE as well as the winner CC bel.  He and his pal will fight all the time over who is the best storyteller. He points to his first chance to move into a real job out of high school and it was a nice situation as Mcdonald’s treated him well, giving him a raise every month because he was the best burger flipper in West Los Angeles.   

A loose cousin of billy LAx which is on Wilshire Blvd near Westwood argues he is the best storyteller at UCLA and that includes the drama school. Billy LAx says that they need to duke it out and the last man standing wins the storytelling championship however when CC bel convinced the two that they should leave it to him to decide so in the end, cooler heads prevailed.  But we continue to chase our life’s work with donkeys down the San Gabriel mountains.  This was a great book written by a novelist called Edgar Allen Poe back in the 1700s.   It was made into a play and shown in December of 2020 at the Pasadena Playhouse near Colorado.  We scene the show and then afterward, went to sushi.  The actors in the play did a phenomenal job.

They knew their independent movie characters and knew more than just their lines; they knew how to make the audience feel their scene.  We were crying after the last act.  But then we went to the art-house next door and saw, to slay a beast, with Margret Taylor lead female.  It was not good and the movie fans were lost halfway through it.  I don’t think they were actually a good set of audience for the arthouse. The Hollywood movie scene that shoots films all over Los Angeles each day is in trouble from actors who are always unemployed and never can get jobs.  These movie production sets are moved from one end to the other end created Studio huge budget movies.  The directors that motivate these leading ladies are enjoying themselves to whatever we can wrap our minds around.  Say a movie as Olivia Newton-John made with John Travolta, the dance move whatever that was called is an example of the vastness of the Hollywood Heavyweights in the midstream of America.  The independent movie will surely be a cornerstone of the thought of guys like Kevin Costner and Dances With Wolves.