The independent movies. Post productions are just awesome. They have the best VFX.Professionals.In Hollywood, right here on espresso films, as a Blogger. This girl, Chang Yang is from Hollywood. And she. Is looking for one of the largest films in.2022To to tap on two to put her VFX post-production skills in line with what her normal abilities are. So if anybody has any lines on some great movies coming out that need post-production. D app.AxeOr video editing. Let us know and we’ll get in touch with chain, younger espresso films. Blogger and we will let her in. We will get her an interview with the film director or possibly the producer. Maybe the executive producer and we can see if we can make that leading man look really great. On-screen, just with the post-production, he doesn’t even have to make a great performance because we have great post-production with changes. The FX skills so we are looking also for an antihero type of a guy in an art-house film. Uhm?As well as a traditional hero. So if any casting directors out there have a line on some great actors that can either be an anti-hero or a traditional hero in a thriller that’s being produced by Billy LAX. And directed by Bella Axe. Then we’re interested espresso films will do the digital marketing of the film. Will get it all kinds of exposures. Will will get a PR professional. One of our espresso film bloggers is APR. Our professional for the, for the. Independent movies business. So we are stacking up independent movies professionals right now for roles in the 2022 Cannes International Film Festival. The slate of movies. So we’ve got lots of contacts in there for the. Uhm?Post-production of our of these independent movies that will be displayed at Cannes. The other thing that we have is, uh, we have. We’re doing an article on the film camera apertures in the arc slots that the film cameras have. The new technical high tech. Film cameras, which are really not film cameras, there really digital cameras like the like television only high def. Come and the best place to see these movies is actually on your HDTV, which provides a great output of the movie, better off staying home, watching the HDTV, then going to the theaters in and. Uline Ave in Fort Worth, which the cinema has.Uhm?An outstanding dinner that you can watch in the theater with your significant other. As you’re watching that romance movie. Oh, what a night out to the movie with your better half. Leave the kids at home. Go wild, enjoy the movie and then come back to the rat race. But the kids are probably sitting around watching home alone, home alone. Two or. The Lion King or Shrek separate Shrek is probably more of an adult movie. I’d really love Shrek, what an animation piece that was really funny. It was really great. The theaters that I saw the theater that I saw was just an awesome theater. And that was in Fort Worth by the Yulin Ave, the cinema there. Of course, the cinematography when you’re doing these animations, the cinematography is in there. All it is is great animators and post-production. Ah. So from that standpoint, it’s kind of a different type of a film to enjoy those of us that love to watch great cinematography are probably left out, but I like to watch the great animations to set with animated shouldn’t.Giants like Disney or Pixel or some of the others.Uhm, new players in the market for animation. I know on our LinkedIn that we have our social media, LinkedIn. That espresso films have. We have a lot of animators, 3D modelers, animators as well as actors and actresses and. Voice-over professionals, as well as directors and filmmakers and whatnot, are traffic from our social media to our movies by espresso website will be starting soon here in 2022. Right now we’re just trying to gauge the white Hat SEO or the movie traffic from Bing and Google and whatnot so. Uhm, we’re doing pretty well on that. We bought triple did him and one month, so we’re pretty happy with where we’re at on that. I think that that goes with the SCO performance and increase in SCO to our major keywords that were doing so. That that those keywords will. We will be expanding on them pretty soon. This document here is going straight to the four big keywords. This is an independent movies keyword and so we’re hoping that the. This document will help with the link juice to independent movies. The last day at dawn and a bird does not chirp, are both independent movies directed by Maxx TEE and are also playing in Winchester County New York. Get your tickets now folks so you can see what comes out of the mind of screenwriter Maxx TEE for his latest thriller. Please don’t pick the daisies don’t fly for it is another chick flick that drives the women crazy. It is a love story that Maxx was only the script doctor on.

The storytelling was excellent though, telling about a guy that was an idiot and dumped his girlfriend. We need to take this cinema art seriously as when we talk to the mainstream media at Fox and such we do not get serious responses. It is a cinematographer’s work of art. The video editing is great, and we cut points where it needs cut during the indie film’s production for it to come outright. We have Espresso Films movie editorial and film blog to write about this masterpiece.  Fishing with worms is better than fishing with bait. If you ask Dan Walker of Fishtank you will find he gave a great cinematic review to the Detroit Free press.

The industry really loves Fish Master and will continue to gloat over the benefits and fishing with worms. The time comes when we need to go to the cinema. Kristen Sinema from Arizona that is. I will take Kristen to see Swing Blade and many more dark corners of life if she wants. She is probably hunkered down in Phoenix right now, watching this voter count play out not exactly the way she wants it to. Got up this morning in Terra Haute and went to the coffee house on Wabash to see what small Television shows were playing in all of the independent movies within the entertainment world.  But when it comes to mega busts, you have to see CC bel’s Don’t Kiss a Bank Robber, his idea of a comedy.  It ain’t funny CC bel.  The romantic comedy movie fans want CC bel to stick with stuff he knows best like action movies.  And so does Eddie Murry from the old Saturday Night live who has got to be the funniest guy in the movies ever.  I will say this, Steve Martin in Planes Trains and Automobiles was a close second.  Do you remember the dynamics with John Candy and Steve Martin?  Funny hu?  How about when they started singing the Fred Flintstone theme song.  Barney and Betty and bam and Wilma had to be turning over in their graves.  They actually made a series of Fred Flintstone Independent movies back in the 90s.  They were truly the pride of Bedrock and made their cult-like fans, most of which are in their late 60s now, truly happy.  Then there was Steve Martin in The Jerk which had to be the funniest comedy he ever put out.  The stunt doubles had to be falling off their director chairs watching that.  I was born a poor black boy line that character delivered will be remembered forever.  I am surprised Hollywood heavyweights let that go because of the language it used which seems like it would have started a riot.    These were wonderful independent movies and we will always remember Eddie Murphy especially for his comedy cinema starting with Saturday Night Live and Bill Murrey who is still acting in great films with star-studded performances.  Expect to see Bill Murrey again at Cannes International Film Festival holding down a marquee acting role in the slate of independent movies.