The entertainment industry has just suffered a tragic loss as independent films.Have lost one of their major actresses, Betty White.Betty was 99 years old. She was.An awesome actress, she was busy all the way through or 90s and the independent films that she has been starred in.We’re just awesome.In their box office receipts, so we have all suffered a bad loss with the loss of Betty White.Why are we?Not happy.For Betty passing on, it must be. It must be tough being nearly 100 years old and an actress because said actress always has to have a smile on her face. She’s got movie fans, she’s got tons of them. People that are rooting for her. But you know what? You just don’t feel.Like being involved when you’re 99 years old in everything you know. The studio films that you have to act in takes a lot of effort when you’re 99 years old, so you know what the the the House of screams which is a horror show.ThatThe independent films industry has taken a real liking tool should also be a Betty White film.That the House of screams will generate tons of profit.At the.On the international.Film sales markets too.Film for two countries with.Film fans that love that sort of thing like a giant the Chinese and the Europeans and the Africans.So when the independent film marketers.Get there.Hands-on.House of screams. They will make a lab or box office revenue. So. Then the second point is the Pasadena red carpet premieres, which will be taken on in.March of this year.Would display this year’s Grammy Awards for the Independent films. that has produced some of the great.Actors and actresses of its time. aware that these folks scared will move with them throughout their careers to their home lives. Can you imagine being the father of a list actor in having him get the Grammy Award edit in the independent films business? Normally he’s got him in the studio films.But not in the independent films that that will be an awesome output for any family of an actor, actress, or director of a director or producer and executive producer. You know also the amount of money that the film investor makes.Or from these independent films is huge. There they make a lot of money creating these works of art.Literally, film school or drama school students produce many of these that are making all of this money. They come up with these new cockeyed.Films that nobody would ever think of, and you wouldn’t even think that they’d be very good, but they’re in touch with the younger generation of film fans, the cool people, the people that make these art house films work, and they’re the ones that are doing all this. The Michael Moore doesn’t know.What makes it work? And neither does Tarantino? What makes it work is the drama school student. That’s just getting out and shooting a guerilla-style film with these credit cards. They are the guys that know how to make this work. The cinematographers will come up with different shots and different ways of doing things.That the young film people love. These are the people that make things work in the fill-in independent films business that we have nowadays. So these are people who have always made things work with Michael Moore was young. He made things work when Tarantino was young.He made things work ’cause it had new minds. Now they have all directors’ minds. How are these directors, what’s in the mind of a director? One of the espresso films, major editorials highlights that the young, the innovative. These are the ones that are going to be taking their independent Films to the film festivals and then once they get done with the film festivals, if they do well and those that make it and come up with these ideas, then the studios are in line to get them to direct a studio film. Then you know that they’ve made it and there aren’t these distribution arms for the studios will love them.Because they’re the ones that are making all the money for the studios and the studio executives will love them too, and that pretty soon they will stop becoming a director in the end. In the independent films business and become studio directors that will highlight their success.In what they’re doing and where they’re going in their life. So what we need now is more independent films.Being made by more students in the drama schools like UCLA School of.Drama.I think it is in equilibrium with situations beyond the control of male leads and West Hollywood production companies within the mountain of independent films corporate networks. It is ironic when physio sematic well-wishers take baths with each other while watching thriller movies and doing cartwheels in the gymnasium during recess. Due to the complicity of regional film directors as well as stunt doubles, the entertainment business is not looking like it will survive the next Terminator. We regret to tell you about this sad case in corporate America at the current time. It will stick with us for an indefinite period or until the guys running the joint find a way to get us back into the limelight with the screenwriters, we have all over the West Hollywood business center. The producer’s guild is also caught in the middle of this entertainment living nightmare on each corner wanting to get their names out there and should be maximized to the next corporate business meeting the filmmakers have in common.   If Robert Redford, who runs the Sundance Film festival, ever goes to the American Film Market or the AFM, he will find the same cast of lunatic independent films misfits they make the business the ridiculous enterprise it is. We are incapable and incompatible with most, mainly because they are childlike creatures who deserve to be in the mental institutions as much as Ted Bundy ever thought of the need as with Jack Lemon in one flew over the cuckoo nest which was established in the 70s.  But when the big boys say do it, that means we get off the horse and get the distribution deal done.  But you will never stop thinking about Leo and his movies that stole the hearts of movie fans all over the world.  Even international moviegoers would line up for miles to see his movies as he was co-starring with the biggest actresses in the Hollywood Studio System.  The huge vastness of Leo and Chevy Chase is next to none as they have both played in the best cinema in the world.  We can only wish to be part of the Film Festivals that are in the existence of the stunt man and the makeup artist.  Today, our independent films will be in movie distribution networks soon.

