Independent movies are made of fabulous storytellers, directors, ha cinematographers, Hollywood elite, the executive producers, with all of the money that film fine answers and film investors, we have. All of these folks together combined together to make one movie.Production.The district let’s not forget the distribution. The film distribution. The distributors act as part of the whole. The cinema owners that theater owners, the box office receipts in it, and lastly, the film fans of moviegoers. Those folks that go to the movies. Take their families, spend their money, eat popcorn and enjoy the film. The end product of what all of this is about. One project after another project has been created in Hollywood and these projects are film projects or film productions. So the same thing. The thing that is called a film, a project in the regular business world is called. Production in the film world. This is when the above-the-line cast gets together with the below-the-line care below-the-line workers and creates a wonderful product that is sold worldwide to cinemas worldwide. So that the moviegoers in every nation can go and see these films. This is the one thing that connects the world together, is the cinema, the movies that are produced in Hollywood are well known and are in the culture of the American culture is. Translated to other languages via these movies. They’re very, very important. Copy elements of our culture and the development of the world. It establishes one culture, one communication with the whole world. Can you imagine if Arnold Schwarzenegger was not their head? He had not made the Terminator, had Sylvester Stallone? Not made the Vietnam War movies that he had made or rocky the smart independent film that he made years ago. These independent movies are the lifeblood of the world. Not just Hollywood. But they are the life. Blood in the world. They will be shown in. Every country in the nation in the in every nation of the world and the people will be brought together by independent movies too. To create a unified world with a unified product, even the North Korean dictator talks about the. Ah, independent movies that are made in Hollywood and how these are affecting him and his family and his and the North Korean population and the North Korean film festivals. So these film festivals that take the independent films on there, really the. The distribution outlets or the marketing outlets of the world for our American culture in our American cinema and also the cinema that’s produced in. Europe and in Asia are now being brought to the United States, who are these same film marketing channels for the independent movies, the Independent? The studios also offer this same sort of communication of the World art communication. Film Art is an important aspect of our lives and our daily lives. In the technology, like DVD’s and. Ah, I high tech film cameras and post-production facilities that are in multiple countries. They’re all important for the independent movies that we have to translate a cultural essence of a cultural way. Of life to produce a better way of life for everyone in the world. Because we’re all communicating through film art. Art house films are really an important aspect. Also because these art house films which are produced mainly in year Europe by independent movies. Uh, that is occurring in Europe is an important aspect of communication. Worldwide communication and artistic communication throughout the generations of moviegoers. So our democracy is also dependent upon how these movies are created and produced and distributed. To the art House cinema in the art house theaters, which are theaters that are specially adapted to showcase art house films or experimental films. In Europe this in Germany they’re called national films, so when we here in America want to see a national film where we’re seeing is an art-house film, an example of that is John Travolta Pulp Fiction. In many of Tarantino’s movies. Art house films like Reservoir Dogs is, for example, zero. So when we see these OP breed. Movies that are not quite along with what we’re used to. That’s because we’re watching our house films. Go independent movies. That theater always releases old old indie films like Rocky and Midnight Express and I love the selections of features it showcases. Now, if you go back home and turn on the HDTV to HBO you will find great classics playing around the clock and into the next day. I can remember Elvis Presley when he shot those beach movies. Studios in Hollywood are Disney and DreamWorks and Universal Studios and Warner Bros. But none of them show the greats like Pasadena Films which financed and produced the great independent movies like Bullwinkle. It is morning in Kansas City, and we will go down to the square to see an art-house that is between the Everett building and somersault.

The fashion show will be shot by Humphry Bogart. That old play is going back to the 50s. It had a huge budget and was the best of its time. Steve McQueen starred in it and played a race car driver next to Burt Reynolds by the name of Smokey and the Bandit. What a beauty that was. It was twenty years ago when Elvis died and with his passing went all the great entertaining skits he made with Bridget Bardot. On the ancient television channels, we cannot get enough captain kangaroo as his exploits are well videotaped in adventures at his shooting locations. All of his superbly made and created love stories were crowd favorites for the time which was in the 60s.

Those cinematography exploits on the Phil Donahue show were done by John F Kennedy with the aide of his brother Teddy which should have made a series of independent movies showcasing Brad Pit.  When the San Francisco Bridge went up connecting the island with the mainland, that year, was great in making bridge treatments for storytellers.  They had great action shots with the cameramen standing on their heads shooting upside down while the stunt doubles did handstands off the top thrust lines.  Can you imagine a talent agent trying to convince his resources to do that?  But the actors will do anything if the money is right.   Leave it to Beaver was an excellent TV show in the 50s, but it certainly is nothing in 2022.   The Hollywood Heavyweights are depressed knowing that their movie-making days with the studios are coming to an end, threatened by Espresso Films movie bloggers.  But the tale of the storyteller is that in the end, the massive creations that the Hollywood Heavyweights have on their own projected as right and just in the independent movies business.