Everybody Loves Raymond was one of the most wonderful TV shows in existence on the 19, 2010 2020.The decade we had.The funniest comedic writing TV rating that’s ever existed.And all the character Raymond played was.Unique in that.He was serious. His serious humor was just hilarious.An independent film needs to be written.And Everybody Loves Raymond because. Anytime that you have something that unique that special.The actors and actresses.Have real chemistry together and they shall go down in history as the funniest people alive. Any independent film.There is of the magnitude of Everybody Loves Raymond.Will succeed at the box office is they will be. They will be smashed on foreign.Aw, poor market sales.But where are these types of films really?are huge impacts around the theaters and if this independent film has PNA or prints and advertising already provided.Ah, the Art house films.Well, not compared to Everybody Loves Raymond and Everybody Loves Raymond will be a mainstream independent film.A targeted at the families of America.  A comedy troupe is a group of people very, very funny people that sit around in a circle.And cracked jokes at each other.And then write them down and sell them to TV networks for money comedy troupes.Are includes the Three Stooges, for example.Uhm, these sketch comedy groups.Well.Succeed as major television writers in the next Millennium. Betty White just died. Betty White-haired, no kids that zero kidsActor that’s ever graced the independent film screens.His theater productions are massive and they rate into the millions.Former Miss America..And she had 26 cats.Very, very white.Was a famous TV star.Or shall I say star left in that she starred in many, many, many different sitcoms?For NBC, CBS, ABC, and will always be remembered in the hearts of TV fans.People magazine has written I’m Betty White and The Hollywood Reporter is written on bread. Betty White and our own espresso films have written all kinds of film blogs on Betty White, so Betty White. Rest in peace.The keep the TV’s funniest woman alive has to go to Roseanne the hilarious episodes that she played with Dan Gutman.Bond actor Daniel Craig in his movie is James Bond movie no time to Die will go down in history as the very best bond. James Bond.The recent Miss America.Or runner-up message Mary got.Kathy Manning has bit the dust she had the ultra.A variant of COVID, which was deadly to her, and we’re going to miss her on the Miss America screens. Sandra Bullock is.Grieving over Kathy Manning as Sandra Bullock R8, Les actress for all of the major studios including Universal and Warner Brothers and Disney, and Pixel and Dream Works. Is.Is terribly upset over the death of can Kathy Manning.And Ryan Reynolds the list actor.For the independent film Night, owlWhich is directed by.Tarantino well now.Also, be grieving for Kathy Man.Practical jokers?Is the.Funny comedy.In which Joe Greco was the star and Joe Greco will be quitting.Ah.Ah.Impractical Jokers.As the lead comedic.Stand up there. That really holds down the sitcom and this is due to personal issues with his kids.Comedy improv is really sorry to see impractical jokers.Lose Joe Greco.So good luck Joe Greco.When we go to see.Movies the first thing that we need to do is we need to look up indie movie guide online and find out which movie The indie movie Guide is now. Ah.Promoting any independent film that the ended guide promotes should be looked at very closely along with any independent film that summer guide.Is promoting.  Best movies of 2021.Will hit the stands as the independent film.Tarzan will.Grace the screen.And we will have one of the very best actors John Kabul, to would-be playing Tarzan and it’ll be directed by Steven Spielberg. And Dream works will be representing or will be producing the film and also the distribution arm.Of Dream, Works will be distributing the film.So just.Mark Harmon well it will soon.Get another gig.And it will be an independent film gig.In which Mark Harmon will play.Johnny Unitas is in the new up and coming.the independent film would have been a quirky Romantic Comedy if it had been made into a movie. Pasadena Films would have distributed the film. But it was not shot on 35 mm film by, or any other type of film nor was it shot on video. Of course, high-tech film cameras were not around in the 90s. In those days, independent film was shot on 16 mm film and mega-budget flicks were shot on 35 mm film. movie technology has come a long way in the last fifty years.  We use to create great features like Cyberpunk movies which were a film art form in and of themselves.  Each character was carefully molded to work perfectly together with all the surrounding cast in an equilibrium never before seen in the Hollywood heavyweight class. High tech film cameras are no longer photography but video cameras as most of the television world shoot their two-hour motion pictures on video nowadays. But only twenty years ago, in the 90s, a studio motion picture was shot on 16 mm film leaving a grainy movie for movie fans. But b movies were the only features to be shot on video as the large budget pictures were shot on 35 mm. Hence, a list of actors like Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Tom Hanks were all shot with Kodak. This left small actors like William Smith and Tommy Bull to be shot on 16 mm.   Back in the day of the independent film which has passed and gone to the new digital media times, we have shot angles on scenes with the best of the film camera.  These days has as good of resolution as the major pictures because there is not much of a difference between Director of Photography between either piece of art. In about 2005 we started streaming two-hour motion pictures. At this time in the development of the nation of foreign cinema, entertainment companies like HBO and Showtime were major producers of these micro-budget shows, because they could distribute internationally through the cable system.  If the special effects were in the ballpark of the investment of the asset, then the action would be on par with the bigger motion pictures ever shot.   Cable operators were playing a huge role in the industry and still do today.  But in the end, the independent film Lion King spoke to the world and demanded worldwide movie fan excitement.  Foreign sales were through the roof creating more love and passion for the entertainment industry than ever seen before.  The IMAX from all over the US were filled to the max and we show the iconic figures of the movie in each and every grade school to the adoring young kids.  Not since Batman and robin of the sixties have the kids talked so much of a form of entertainment.  Sure it was a TV show back then but what is the real difference.  We need billy LaX to come up with another award-winning independent film screenplay for the benefit of the Hollywood movie elite.  When he shows his art side within the love and respect of the actors and directors within the independent film business  we will love the host of the show,