What’s Africa has the very best moviemakers in the world? The film fans in West Africa at the very best in the world to end the independent studios in Nigeria particularly are very good. But it’s the best part of all of West Africa is a screenplay writer. And all of his all of his. Family and friends, and everyone that influences him in.His career, like his career of being in the entertainment industry, especially in the indie film making in a business. Talbert is one of those screenplay writers and we salute Talbert as one of the very best screenplay writers in the world. The Nigerian indie community Has made the very best. Of West African films. And the independent producers in West Africa, Argota Talbert. Who is the best screenplay writer in all of Africa and probably all of the world? Talbert can compete with Hollywood scripts. Talbert can create a great studio. Screenplays and Talbert can.Make.The world is a better place to live with the storytelling abilities of West Africa. We in Pasadena films. Are pleased to have Talbert as one of our Affiliates and our espresso films website. Is glad to have him as a Blogger and is ended screenplay writer that we can. Get out to the world of Hollywood. When Talbert. Takes out his pad and paper.And.Comes up with his story.That he wants to use for the treatment in which he is coming up with, and he is contemplating turning it to the next grade screened play that he wants to create and send it to the people.Of Nigeria. We are amazed at his storytelling abilities. He is absolutely one of West Africa’s greatest movie makers, one of West Africa’s greatest actors, and one of great West actors. The grade was Africa’s greatest director. The world. His scripts are next to none. His screenplays are a beauty. West Africa, he writes many. Scripts and.That terrible Nigerian.Economical and social patterns.  In West Africa, the indies thrive with the huge access to above-the-line talent that is seemingly endless as far as Nigeria, Ghana, and the other areas of this part of the world.  This particular screenwriter is well versed in the skill of composition.  His treatments are masterpieces.  As a storyteller, he is supreme, making each story come alive in natural life.  We need more like him in the US studios.  Coming West is So when Talbert writes a screenplay? He sits down first with his pen and paper, and his pad comes up with a great Nigerian.Idea?And being the storyteller he is, he can come up with the dialogue of the Nigerians in how they say things, which is different than how someone from Los Angeles would say something. And so their dialogue. It represents the method acting. Type of coaching that actors get and scriptwriters get from the Nigerian.Area of the world. This is West Africa and the independent movies are from West Africa. Two dogs and a cat was a movie. Talbert had his scriptwriting abilities attached to and Billy LAx asked Albert to be the scriptwriter. Four these two movies. But Talbert in his. Infinite Wisdom and his professionality in the entertainment world of West Africa has asked to be the screen plate writer for two dogs and a cat.

If Brad Pitt goes to Nigeria. He is immediately swarmed by the. West African film fans and his studio film that he puts out is no longer valid because now he has to make an independent film and he has to find a screenwriter like Talbert to write this. The movie that he wants to star in. but if he goes to Ghana then he automatically mixed in D, and the screenwriter is a Ghanian, and Talbert will assist him as a script doctor on what he does. The top 100 African movies have got at least five movies. Tabor has been the screenplay writer in. Do not distinguish between Nigerian independent films and those in Kenya or you will have made a massive error in African judgment.  https://moviesbyespresso.com/blog_post/talbert-okorodudu-west-africas-most-amazing-talent/  The welfare of the moguls in Nigeria depends on the fairness of the West African theater association. Screenplays, someone to Calbert. The writer from Africa’s best aspects of his entire. Personality and is an event of his life and in the entertainment industry in West Africa. As we know. In West Africa, to be a screenplay writer is an elite form of television and film. It goes on all the time in the. West African countries and the Indy shoots require the very best of screenplays. That they can find and Talbert has one of the very best.Screenplays that you could find in the entire country. One of the things that. Is very necessary in the indie film world in West Africa is when we find movie screenwriters that can actually make it work. These script doctors in West Africa have lots of experience writing English as they have taken English in. College and they should be able to write screenplays. With method AL method acting.Actors from West Africa. So if you want to see West African theater. Then you have to get a. Play right if you want to see a West African independent movie then you must find a screenwriter who can. First composed the idea and treatment and then. Go from the treatment into the fine art of scriptwriting. So if we go into the major actors in Nigeria, we find that these actors are espresso films there. Bloggers for disposal films and they have lots of. Movies that they like to talk about in their movie reports as well as their blagging reports and the screenwriters of Nigeria are nothing more than the best.

We do not love African Leading ladies for no reason, only because fiction writers have created their storytelling adventures and put them on the theater screens.  So, if you are in Lagos or Ghana, please make sure you go to the mall where the box office hits are playing and see the Latest release of Rocky with Sylvester Stallone and Sling Blade.  Both low-budget flicks have made millions and you will be the best you can be after the show and before you go to bed with the starlets in your head.