The cupboard is a wondrous screenplay writer and filmmaker from Western Africa and Nigeria. If covered is made many independent films, and it is a star in his own right, and what’s happened here, filmmaking, history and culture, he is interested in look very cultural type films in Africa.As he expressed many times in his special films blogs, he’s written 3.And he is a unique part of our special films culture. He is the movie by espresso Films, Black said he’s written a film, reports it is written about Western African details, his life growing up, and how he became interested in writing.This is one very interesting why and how a West African person sees the life he can’t. He cannot get enough of the.A drama that goes into making movies in which application did not go to drama school in West Africa. He only itself taut screenplay writer, retook the screenplay out and he looked at his screenplay and he wrote the screenplay accordingly, which his story according.To how he copied this quickly rather than some other person reading screen doctor, he’s a script doctor. He writes fabulous scripts.And he also writes other scripts besides African scripts. He is very interested in moving to Hollywood where he can get more of his.Artistic nature out to the public, so it’s really important as an African to be able to move to Hollywood.To do his business, because that’s where all the connections, others rather movie money is. That’s where all their film investors are. That’s Robert. Major indie directors are and the plug-in actually has to come from West Los Angeles down around Wilshire Blvd.And so if you go into the areas of Wilshire Blvd, you’ll find African screenplay writers sitting around reading their screenplays and dreaming about being back into Africa. How coincidental, since they were with how they got here, was sitting around the Legos coffee houses.In Nigeria and dreaming about being in Hollywood. So it seems like wherever you go, you drink mostly being someplace else, and you’re probably happier being someplace else. But that’s OK.It’s where you’re at. In the movie business you can, and as a storyteller, you can loosen it wherever you want to be, and that’s where you’re at. So tell Bert is a has created many of production sets over in Legos and.He’s heard many of African gaffers and African cinematographers and he had spread the word about movies by espresso website and that he uses his special comes in as his launching pad. Over here in the United States to get his movies on under wraps.Yeah, he’s one of our specialties. One of his specialties is understanding their West African film distribution networks and all of the distributors and West Africa for the film.Film distribution in West Africa is a very complicated thing. A very complicated issue and the cover have a complete understanding of that and he is using his screenplay, writing ability to get those contacts over and Africa and bring those contacts to espresso films. Billy Aliaxis are really interested.Contact so he can write.The film distribution contracts. That’s what he needs to end right there before. So one of the things that are covered is interesting in is more in Africa. In the document documentary over the war in Africa, and especially West, especially Nigeria, in which where he’s from so.We can accommodate all of those. So we can accommodate his homeland people with a better minutes society due to his documentaries in the cinematography in which he is a great cameraman. And he’s a 35-millimeter film. Of course, he reads, hides the the special films, High tech editorial piece.Lips by it so we can’t get enough of the cupboard over here in the United States in Pasadena. Billy Aliaxis put it on. Put Talbert up in their own home as long as he puts the African filmmaking images up in his housing. Decorate Billys House will ever get.Filmmaking.Are Billy is happy to give him free living so if any kind that Albert is in the United States please come to Billy Access and his special films and NXT and Sister Bell are really happy to have him as long as he puts Cherrybelle?His next indie film and makes her the star. Cece Bell is really happy with it, just can’t do any lumber scenes with Cherry Bell or romantic comedies with Cherry Bell as it that’s taboo when it comes to Cece Bell Daz, it’s his girlfriend. Does Wayne’s buddy else kiss her except for Billy Ellie XNXX Key? He shares the Cherry belt.But in any case, we got, we have the independent movies are going wild in West Africa, thanks to Talbert and his scripts, we welcome his scripts and his writing style to the United States to Beverly Hills to Santa Monica into the Hollywood elite.To Hollywood, heavyweights are all working for Calvert to come into the United States and bring his rating specialty. Since it’s the African ability to get African film locations out, so African film locations are really an important aspect of making movies over him Africa.And Billy X is interested in cupboards, the ability to get not only his screenplays but also his film locations in the United States. So let’s give it to Talbert and everything he’s worth and we will make another movie with Talbert in his.Claim to fame and in his riches in his.Film wealth and he will become a Nigerian film celebrity.This guy is an absolutely wonderful screenwriter and is the best of the  African moviemakers who has a great treatment that he wants to get made into a movie Against West. He is from Nigeria. He grew up in Mangrove and he is in the Delta State now, of Nigeria.  His Against West Independent film is still just on paper now and is a story about West Africa and Mangrove. We need to have more filmmakers from mangroves like him. He is looking for an executive producer who has a movie investor to create the cinematic version of the story in West Africa. The art will play in Nigeria’s Delta Region and in this region the human resources are very professional. When you create a masterpiece and are well sought after screenplay like Against West, you want to sell it to the very biggest studio you can find like Universal or Pixel or one of the other giants. Most of the Indies will shy from a manuscript in Nigeria, but there is a lot of hope for in selling his story Against West to a pure film financier. In Nigeria, there is a Region called the Delta Region where a lot of Nigerian cinema is created for the most eccentric production locations in the world.  We invite the French to come to Nigeria and to find the best locations for the experimental films that they love so much.  Also, the English who have made Nigeria part of their Oil and Gas ventures, need to set up their own studio for the production of wonderfully interesting movies about Nigerian life.